Open House Day on November 30th at Audencia's Paris campus! Come and meet us, visit your future school and find out about all our international programs. Register now!
Publications and Events
- "La nouvelle boussole" [The new Compass] day, Convention Entreprises course - "Sustain Pursuit game", December 2022
- Conférences Entreprise & Post-Croissance, Mesurer ce qui compte vraiment [Measuring what really counts], Prohil, November 2022
- PwC France and Maghreb accelerates in auditing and consulting, Les Echos, July 2021
- La comptabilité socio-environnementale, une opportunité pour les entreprises agricoles [Socio-economic accounting, an opportunity for agricultural companies], Agriculteurs de France, p 24-26, June 2021
- Antheaume N., Faure E., Chaplais Chouvier. C, David B. (June 2021), "Comment transformer la comptabilitré en levier pour relever le défi environnemental" [How to transform accounting into a lever for raising the environmental challenge], The conversation
- Cordano E. (May 2021), "Connectivité entre information financière et non-financière: pourquoi les métiers du risque doivent y intéresser?" [Connectivity between financial and non-financial information: why professions at risk need to be interested in it], Blog IFACI
- Cordano E. (April 2021), "Towards an in-depth revision of organization valuation", IFACI Blog
- Antheaume N. (February 2021), "Développement durable: la nouvelle frontière du contrôle de gestion" [Sustainable development: the new frontier of management control], DFCG - VoxFi