Publications and events


Guide des aidantes

Discover the Caregiver's Guide

Audencia and Le Laboratoire de l'égalité have conducted collaborative work on the situation of female caregivers in France. In partnership with the Malakoff Humanis social protection group, Le Collectif Je t'aide and the Fondation des Femmes, Audencia management school and the association Le Laboratoire de l'égalité have published recommendations for better support for women who have to combine their professional activity with a caring role. A subject closely linked to the issue of gender equality, and part of a commitment to a more inclusive and supportive society.

Events / interventions

Colloque juin 2021 - How can we better engage with France's 6 million caregivers?

Colloquium co-organized by Audencia and Le Laboratoire de l'égalité in June 2021

Table 1: societal issues around the role of caregiver

Table 2: being a caregiver: what impact on professional activity?

Table 3: being a caregiver: what impact on health?

View the replay