"Social Impact Bonds Research Project: This project aims to study the development of Social Impact Bonds (SIBs) in France and around the world. Three main studies, accompanied by other more peripheral work, have been and are being carried out:
- A Systematic Literature Review of the scientific literature on the subject of SIBs;
- Analysis of the first 18 SIBs completed worldwide, their post-experimental fate, and the barriers encountered in scaling up the tested programs;
- Analysis of the management of the Contrats à Impact policy by the French public authorities since its launch in 2016.
This project was made possible thanks to the financial support of Fonds b.
Several publications for the general public have been produced on the Fonds b website:
- Buffa, V., Le Pendeven, B., (2021), Pilot project and scale-up in the case of Development Impact Bonds in India and the role of a philanthropic end-payer, Fonds B. Papers #5
- Buffa, V., Le Pendeven, B., (2020), Development Impact Bonds - The application of payment by results in development and humanitarian aid., Fond B. Papers #4
- Buffa, V., Le Pendeven, B., (2020), Social Impact Contracts: success or flash in the pan?, Fond B. papers #3
- Buffa, V., Le Pendeven, B., (2019), The role of private capital in pay-for-results mechanisms, Fond B. papers #2
- Buffa, V., Le Pendeven, B., (2019), Between hope and caution: a literature review of social impact contracts, Fond B. papers #1