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La chaire Entrepreneuriat familial & société est une chaire de recherche. Les travaux de la chaire sont présentés dans des conférences scientifiques et publiés dans les plus grandes revues académiques.
- RADU-LEFEBVRE, M., MOHSEN TAVAKOLI, M., FAYOLLE, A. (2023) . The impact of the passion for teaching entrepreneurship: A conceptual model, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business
- HYTTI, U., KARHUNEN, P., RADU-LEFEBVRE, M. (2023) . Entrepreneurial Masculinity: A Fatherhood Perspective, Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice
- RAJA SINGARAM, R., RADU-LEFEBVRE, M., GARTNER, W. (2023) . Gordian Knot Uncut: Understanding the Problem of Founder Exit in Social Ventures, Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 19 (June 2023), e00379
- GOUEDARD, M., RADU-LEFEBVRE, M., VERSHININA, N. (2023) . Innovative postures in a family business: Family priorities driving resource (re)configuration, Revue de l'Entrepreneuriat, 22 (Special Issue 1), 103-132
- ANGELUCCI, A., HERMANS, J., RADU-LEFEBVRE, M., ANGEL, V. (2023) . Tensioning as intertwining, competition and superseding: a self-regulation approach to managing hybridity tensions in social enterprises, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research, 29 (3), 643-664
- RADU-LEFEBVRE, M., RONTEAU, S., LEFEBVRE, V., MCADAM, M. (2022) . Entrepreneuring as emancipation in family business succession: a story of agony and ecstasy, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 34 (7-8), 582-602
- RADU-LEFEBVRE, M., HYTTI, U. (2022) . Editorial - The joys and pitfalls of writing interesting research (Editorial), Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 34 (1-2), 1-5
- LEFEBVRE, V., CERTHOUX, G., RADU LEFEBVRE, M. (2022) . Sustaining Trust to Cross the Valley of Death: A Retrospective Study of Business Angels' Investment and Reinvestment Decisions, Technovation, 109 (January 2022), Article N° 102159
- BYRNE, J., RADU LEFEBVRE, M., FATTOUM, S., BALACHANDRA, L. (2021). Gender Gymnastics in CEO Succession: Masculinities, Femininities and Legitimacy, Organization Studies 42(1), 129-159.
- PAULA MARTINEZ SANCHIS, P., CRISTINA ITURRIOZ, C., CRISTINA ARAGON-AMONARRIZ, C., RADU-LEFEBVRE, M., SEAMAN, C. (2021). Institutional settings and local embeddedness of European Entrepreneurial Families: An inter-regional comparison, European Planning Studies 1-26
- RADU-LEFEBVRE, M., LEFEBVRE, V., CROSINA, E., HYTTI, U. (2021). Entrepreneurial Identity: A Review and Research Agenda, Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice.
- FREMEAUX, S., RADU-LEFEBVRE, M. (2021). Meaningful work and moral exemplarity: the perspective of family business leaders, Revue de l'Entrepreneuriat.
- RADU LEFEBVRE, M., LEFEBVRE, V., CLARKE, J., B.GARTNER, W., (2020) Building Multitemporal Awareness and Reflexivity in FamilyBusiness: A Visual Sensemaking Exercise.
- LEFEBVRE, V., CERTHOUX, G., RADU LEFEBVRE, M. (2020). Sustaining Trust to Cross the Valley of Death: A Retrospective Study of Business Angels' Investment and Reinvestment Decisions, Technovation (forthcoming)
- RADU LEFEBVRE, M., LEFEBVRE, V., CLARKE, J., WILLIAM B. GARTNER, W. B. (2020). Entrepreneurial legacy: How narratives of the past, present and future affect entrepreneurship in business families. In Andrea Calabro (Ed.), A research agenda for family business. A way ahead for the field. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- RADU LEFEBVRE, M., RANDERSON, K. (2020). Successfully navigating the paradox of control and autonomy in succession: the role of managing ambivalent emotions, International Small Business Journal, 38 (3), 184-210
- LEFEBVRE, V., RADU LEFEBVRE, M. (2019). Investir au capital d’un nouveau projet entrepreneurial : une histoire de confiance ?, Revue de l'Entrepreneuriat, 18 (4), 101-126
- RADU LEFEBVRE, M., LOUÉ, C., REDIEN-COLLOT, R. (2019). Contextualizing entrepreneurial legitimacy: the interplay of internal and external social representations, Journal of Enterprising Culture, 27 (1), 1-33
- ST-JEAN, E., RADU LEFEBVRE, M., MATHIEU, C. (2018). Can Less be More? Mentoring Functions, Learning Goal Orientation, and Novice Entrepreneurs’ Self-Efficacy, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research, 24 (1), 2-21
- BRUNEL, O., LAVIOLETTE, E., RADU LEFEBVRE, M. (2017). Role models and entrepreneurial intention: the moderating effects of experience, locus of control and self-esteem, Journal of Enterprising Culture, 25 (02), 149-177
- RADU LEFEBVRE, M. & LEFEBVRE, V. (2016). Anticipating intergenerational management transfer of family firms: A typology of next generation’s future leadership projections, Futures, Special issue “The Futures of Family Entrepreneurship”, n°75, pp. 66-82.
- LEFEBVRE, V., RADU LEFEBVRE, M., SIMON, E. (2015) . Formal entrepreneurial networks as communities of practice: a longitudinal case study, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 27 (7/8), 500-525
- RADU-LEFEBVRE, M., LEFEBVRE, V. (2021). Becoming an entrepreneur: it takes more than founding a venture. Babson Conference.
- SAULO DUBARD BARBOSA, S., SANDRINE LE PONTOIS, S., RADULEFEBVRE, M. (2021). Drawing entrepreneurship: an essential complement for evaluating entrepreneurship education. Babson Conference.
- LEFEBVRE, V., RADU-LEFEBVRE, M. (2021). Minding the social capital gap between new venture stages. EGOS Conference.
- RADU-LEFEBVRE, M., DAVIS, J., GARTNER, W. B. (2021). Measuring entrepreneurial legacy. FERC Conference.
- VERSHININA, N., RADU-LEFEBVRE, M. (2021). Deconstructing women's (in)visibility discourse in family business research. Gender, Work and Organization Conference & DIANA Conference.
- CONSTANTINIDIS, C., RADU-LEFEBVRE, M. (2021). The silent script of 'pitching like a man': the how of gender performativity in entrepreneurship. Gender, Work and Organization Conference.
- RADU-LEFEBVRE, M., CONSTANTINIDIS, C. (2021). The house is on fire: a doing gender perspective on crisis management in family business. DIANA Conference.
- RADU-LEFEBVRE, M., McADAM, M., GARTNER, W. B. (2021). Unloking the (relational) beast: Cathartic liminality in organization theater. USASBE Conference.
- HEDI YEZZA, H., CHABAUD, D., BARRÉDY, C., RADU-LEFEBVRE, M. (2020). Navigating CEO succession conflicts: social skills as paradox management tools. Babson Conference.
- RADU LEFEBVRE, M., RONTEAU, S., LEFEBVRE, V., MCADAM, M. (2019). Entrepreneuring as a liminal space for successors' emancipation. Entrepreneurship as Practice.
- RADU LEFEBVRE, M., DASPIT, J., DENIS, V. (2019). In bed with the ennemy: Spousal ambivalence during intergenerational succession. EIASM; IFERA.
- RADU LEFEBVRE, M., DASPIT, J., DENIS, V. (2019). A social exchange approach of spousal influence on intergenerational succession. FERC.
- RADU LEFEBVRE, M., LEFEBVRE, V., DIAZ MATAJIRA, L. (2019). French CEOs values and family business identity. FERC.
- RADU LEFEBVRE, M., LEFEBVRE, V., CLARKE, J., GARTNER, W.B (2019). Entrepreneurial legacy: Images of facilitating or inhibiting successor entrepreneurial identity. AOM; symposium 'Identity in and around Entrepreneurial Families'.
- LEFEBVRE, V., RADU LEFEBVRE, M., GARTNER, W. B. (2019). Fighting shadows of the past: Entrepreneuring as emancipation in Family Firms. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference.
- RANDERSON, K., RADU LEFEBVRE, M. (2018). Paradoxical Tensions and Emotional Ambivalence in Business Families. Paper presented at the Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business (RENT).
- RADU LEFEBVRE, M., LEFEBVRE, V., CLARKE, J., GARTNER, W. B. (2018). Past, Present and Future: Understanding Family Entrepreneurship in Successors’ Prospective and Retrospective Thinking through Visual Narrative Analysis. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Waterford 6-9 June 2018.
- GOUEDARD, M. (avril 2017). Innover dans l’entreprise familiale : Le capital social du dirigeant familial comme ressource spécifique, Journées Abbé Grégoire, CNAM, Paris.
- RADU LEFEBVRE, M., LEFEBVRE, V., CHAMPENOIS, C. et ANDERSON, A. (mai 2017). Values at the heart of family-business identity: A family CEOs’ perspective, PSB Conference, Paris.
- RADU LEFEBVRE, M., DENIS, V. et RANDERSON, K. (mai 2017). Emotional Ambivalence in business families: a preliminary analysis, EIASM Family Business Workshop, Bilbao, Espagne.
- RANDERSON, K., RADU LEFEBVRE, M. et DENIS, V. (novembre 2017). The Family Business Paradox and Emotional Ambivalence of Business Family Members, RENT, Lund, Suède
- RADU-LEFEBVRE, M. (2021). The Successor Conundrum: A Moral Dilemma. In Matt R. Allen & William B. Gartner (Ed.), Family Entrepreneurship (pp. 173-182). Springer.
- RADU LEFEBVRE, M., LEFEBVRE, V., CLARKE, J., WILLIAM B. GARTNER, W. B. (2020). Entrepreneurial legacy: How narratives of the past, present and future affect entrepreneurship in business families. In Andrea Calabro (Ed.), A research agenda for family business. A way ahead for the field (pp. 73-86). Edward Elgar Publishing.
- RADU LEFEBVRE, M., LEFEBVRE, V. (2018). Le poids de l'héritage : le mentorat face aux attentes des futurs actionnaires et dirigeants d'entreprises familiales. In LAFRANCHISE, Nathalie; ST-JEAN, Etienne and CUERRIER, Christine (Eds.), Le mentorat: théorie et pratique. Presses de l'Université du Québec.
- RADU LEFEBVRE, M., & REDIEN-COLLOT, R. (2014). SMEs’ leaders: Building collective cognition and competences to trigger positive strategic outcomes. dans TODOROV, Kyril and SMALLBONE, David (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Strategic Management in Small and Medium Enterprises (pp. 143-158). IGI Global.
- RADU LEFEBVRE, M., & LEFEBVRE, V. (2012). Faciliter la détection d’opportunités entrepreneuriales par la RSE. dans DUPUICH, Françoise (Eds.), Regards croisés sur la RSE (pp. 145-170). l'Harmattan.
- RADU LEFEBVRE, M. (2011). Le rôle modérateur du leader dans l'émergence et la mise en oeuvre de compétences collectives: impacts sur la performance des équipes. dans CRISTOL D., LAIZE C. & RADU M. (Eds.), Leadership et management. De Boeck Supérieur.
- RADU , M., & LAVIOLETTE, E.-M. (2011). L'impact des modèles de rôle positifs et négatifs selon l'activation d'un but de promotion vs. prévention. dans CASTEL P., LACASSAGNE M.F., SALES-WUILLEMIN E. (Eds.), Psychologie sociale, communication et langage. De Boeck.
Autres contributions dans des ouvrages non académiques :
- Dans les yeux de la Next Gen, Histoires de transmissions familiales. Valérie Denis et Manuela Hollanders.
- Zoom sur les conjoints de dirigeants, à la croisée des enjeux personnels et entrepreneuriaux, Valérie Denis.
Découvrez Passage de témoin, le roman graphique de la Chaire, qui illustre les actions que nous pouvons mener auprès des entreprises familiales. Cette histoire fictive présente les préoccupations pour le moins réelles des entreprises familiales.
Résumé : Claude Lestac, PDG de l'entreprise Lestac-Rocher, est un patron comblé. Sa PME de 256 salariés est prospère, des parts de marché à l'international croissent, ses enfants qui y travaillent semblent comblés. Oui, Claude Lestac est un patron comblé... mais inquiet ! Car à 59 ans, il faut envisager la transmission de son entreprise.