- Touzé F. 2021. Marketing, lost illusions. Switch to Implicative Marketing. Nantes: Editions La Mer Salée.
- Touzé F. 2020. Implicative marketing, London, Routledge
- Touzé F. 2015. Marketing, lost illusions. Moving on to a respectable approach. Nantes: Editions La Mer Salée.
- Sobczak A. & Minvielle N. 2011. Global responsibility: managing sustainable development. Vuibert: Paris
The Chair's research is presented at scientific conferences and seminars and/or published in leading academic journals.
Academic Publications
- Sobczak A. & Mukhi U. (Forthcoming).The Role of UN Principles for Responsible Management Education in Stimulating Organizational Learning for Global Responsibility within Business Schools: An Interview with Jonas Haertle. Journal of Management Inquiry
- Sobczak A. & Havard C. 2015. Stakeholders' Influence on French Unions' CSR Strategies. Journal of Business Ethics, 129(2), 311-324
Berthoin Antal A. & Sobczak A. 2014. Culturally embedded organizational learning for global responsibility. Business and Society 53(5): 652-683 - Sobczak A. 2012. Ensuring the effective implementation of transnational company agreements. European Journal of Industrial Relations 18(2): 139-151
- Solitander N., Fougère M, Sobczak A. Herlin H. 2012. We Are the Champions: Organizational Learning and Change for Responsible Management Education. Journal of Management Education 36(3): 337-363
- Sobczak A. & Girard C. 2012. Towards a model of corporate and social stakeholder engagement: Analyzing the relations between a French mutual bank and its members. Journal of Business Ethics 107(2): 215-225
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