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Nantes Metropolitan Area CSR Platform
The Positive Impact Chair contributed to the creation of the Greater Nantes CSR Platform. Today, it co-manages the Platform, leads working groups, manages the Platform's Observatory, identifies innovative practices of companies in the region and publishes thematic reports.
The Positive Impact Chair has contributed to the creation of the Nantes Agglomeration CSR Platform.
Platform for Responsible Marketing Success
The Positive Impact Chair is the academic partner of the "Success with Responsible Marketing" platform, launched in 2013, which aims to demonstrate the triple benefit of marketing approaches that integrate environmental and social impact: for the brand, the consumer and society.
It is supported by ADEME and was created in partnership with Adetem, Prodimarques and the Union des Annonceurs.
Responsables! By Adetem
The Impact Positif Chair, via its co-holder Florence Touzé, is a member of the RESPONSABLES! by Adetem collective.
This is a brand new multidisciplinary collective that was created when Adetem and the Cercle Marketing Client came together to develop projects around responsible marketing. The aim is to "become the benchmark association that makes marketing the first ally of sustainable companies at the service of a responsible society".