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Student Projects and Theses
Students can contribute to the chair by completing educational projects, consulting assignments for companies, or research projects.
Chair professors also supervise students for their master's thesis and dissertation topics.
Consulting projects and missions organized by the Chair
Consulting projects are group projects, integrated into a program, over 4 months:
- Present use cases on how artificial intelligence can support spend analysis in procurement
- Test the Purchasing Maturity Model 4.0 on 3 real companies, suggest improvements to the model
- Anti-corruption: development of a maturity assessment tool according to "Loi Sapin 2"
- Collect data and feed the e-purchasing tools database
- MANITOU Challenge 2020: Assessing Purchasing Maturity in the Light of Industry 4.0
Missions organized by the Chair:
- Mission1 (2019): Global Purchasing IS Market Study
- Mission 2 (2020): Develop a Purchasing IS Classification Model
- Mission 3 (2021): Evaluation of 20 purchasing IS and use of the classification model
Thesis topics
Examples of dissertation topics for the MSc in Supply Chain and Purchasing Management (MSCPM) supervised by Chair Professors:
- How can e-procurement purchasing practices lead to sustainable and ethical purchasing?
- Impact of Digital Tools on the Sourcing Process of a Heavy Machinery Industry
- The impact of digitization on supply chain sustainability in Europe
- Management and classification of e-procurement tools in the light of Industry 4.0: A Structured Approach
- How Digitalization is Driving Supply Chain Sustainability - A Case Study from Danone Business Solutions
Examples of thesis topics for the Mastère Spécialisé® Global Purchasing and Supply Chain Management (MS MASC) supervised by Chair Professors:
- Innovation in purchasing by working with innovative SMEs and start-ups (J. Huyart, 2020 - Supervision: F. Constant)
- Purchasing and the role of information technology in data collection (O. Smida, 2020 - Supervision: F. Constant)