Research and Studies

SIRIUS Observatory

Launched in 2019 by Audencia's Purchasing and Digital Innovations Chair, AXYS Consultants and Cyrénac Conseil, the SIRIUS Observatory aims to provide innovative analysis of trends in the purchasing information systems (IS) market.

ESG & Purchasing Management Barometer

A barometer designed by the purchasing profession, drawing on a scientific advisory board of 20 leading purchasing decision makers, the expertise of Audencia's Purchasing and Digital Innovation Chair, and partners Mazars, Jaggaer and Creditsafe.

A course at Audencia

Research projects

The Chair's research projects mobilize key concepts to describe, explain and prescribe the strategies, management methods and skills of the purchasing function to be developed within companies, in particular around three themes: digitalization, CSR impact, innovation.

A person working on a tablet

Student projects and theses

Students can contribute to the chair by completing teaching projects, consulting assignments for companies, or research projects. Chair professors also supervise students on their master's thesis and dissertation topics.