A propos

Objectives and mission

Launched in June 2013, the Family Entrepreneurship & Society Chair is a unique research and knowledge-sharing facility in France. Our aim is to contribute to academic research dedicated to entrepreneurial families and family businesses, based on intimate knowledge of the field and constant dialogue with all stakeholders - shareholders, researchers, public authorities.

Our mission

Audencia - post-it notes on a whiteboard during a CSR Chalenge

The Chair's scope of action is the development of new knowledge at the academic research level and the dissemination of this knowledge to our students, to shareholders and employees of family businesses, as well as to the general public. The Chair pursues three main missions:

  • Producing high-quality academic research on entrepreneurial families and family entrepreneurship;
  • Disseminating knowledge on entrepreneurial families and family entrepreneurship to a broad non-academic audience;
  • Being close to family businesses and a champion for their 'cause'.

The Family Entrepreneurship & Society Chair is a place for research, knowledge sharing and best practices in the service of entrepreneurial families and family businesses.

Our vision

A course at Audencia

Family businesses are the most widespread form of enterprise in France today. Keeping family businesses and their know-how, as well as decision-making centers, in France is a major economic and social challenge. Preparing the next generation of entrepreneurs contributes to strengthening the durability and accelerating the growth of family businesses.

Our positioning

A student working in a group

Our positioning dedicated to family entrepreneurship is expressed through three convictions that inform our thinking and actions:

  • To strengthen the longevity and growth of family businesses, we must preserve and pass on their entrepreneurial skills;
  • To secure the transmission within the family, we must develop the entrepreneurial spirit of young families ;
  • To encourage young family members to become entrepreneurs, we need to instill an entrepreneurial spirit within the family business in order to strengthen the motivation and commitment of young family members (launch new products/services, open up new markets, go international, change business models, and more).

Our expertise

International recognition

The Chair's academic expertise is recognized regionally, nationally and internationally. Since 2016 and its entry into the global STEP (Successful Transgenerational Entrepreneurship Practices) project. The Chair has provided leadership for the French team.