
Helping everyone to integrate easily into Audencia!

After the announcement of the new offices of the Grande Ecole program, several intense days of association campaigning took place on the SciencesCom side (on the Mediacampus) and Bachelor in Management (on the City campus). The votes have been counted and the results are in: “Toucanfire” has been named the new SciencesCom BDE and “Belve d'aigle” the new BDE for the Bachelor in Management. To mark the occasion, Charlotte Brimbeuf, the new president of the SciencesCom BDE, and Solal Papon-Mechoulan, the new president of the BDE ABM, have taken the floor to introduce themselves and share some of their plans for their terms of office!


Q: First of all, congratulations to both of you! First question: why did you choose to get involved (and why specifically with the BDE)?

Charlotte: I chose to join the BDE because I think it's an experience that counts on a CV. After all, it's a small company where you have to work as a team, offer events to students, and surpass yourself. And why as president? I like to lead a team, manage coordination within all the divisions, in particular in relation to the administration.

Solal: I share this vision of the BDE as a company. And more specifically as president, I feel like a business manager, with an added entrepreneurial spirit. Professionally, I think it brings us a lot for our future professional life. At our level, we promote cross-disciplinary projects and we also contribute fully to making the experience as incredible as possible for our student friends, and I think it's the mix of all that that's great. I know that this whole dimension will remain engraved forever in our lives, in our minds.


Q: You have barely started your term of office, but do you have any strategic axes that you wish to push?

Charlotte: I want to include absolutely everyone during my term of office. That's why I've already started to make contact with Solal. Before joining SciencesCom, I studied for a Bachelor's degree and through my knowledge of the two programs and their specific features, I hope to include everyone in the discussions and events. We mustn't forget that we are all Audencia students first and foremost, and I really want to help create a community where everyone has a place, with their own characteristics and specificities.

Solal: I totally agree with this cross-disciplinary vision. In addition to that, we are thinking about organizing a truly unique event, the like of which has never been seen before.


Q: What is your vision of community life at Audencia?

Solal: I see community life as a real tool for integration, a unique way of creating bonds. It is also part of the BDE's mission to encourage this dimension through events, places and exchanges. Sometimes the simplest ideas are the best: during our campaign, we set up a ping-pong table - it became one of the main places for exchanges. Now Audencia also offers a wide range of associations, which has allowed me to create social ties. Academic life does not necessarily allow you to forge special bonds: the activities of student organizations such as the BDE do, and this is something that should not be overlooked if you want to have a real “Audencia” experience.

Charlotte: You can tell that the School really encourages student life and the ideas proposed by students. The fact that it is open to proposals is precisely what makes it possible to offer such a wide range of activities to meet all needs and desires! Now we have only one desire: to help all the students have a great year!
