
Multi-capital accounting, the future of accounting?

Multi-capital accounting, the future of accounting?

Save the date - Audencia invites you to the final conference of the Global Multi-Capital Performance Research Centre. The conference's topic will be "Multi-capital accounting, the future of accounting?"

Our research Center has spent the last 4 years building a strong theoretical framework that has been tested in practice in 7 organizations already from SMEs to multinationals.

We are delighted to invite you to the Chair's final conference on 3 and 4 April 2024 in Paris (location to be confirmed);

Make a note of the date now and register either onsite or online.

A training session on the LIFTS multi-capital model will be held in French on 2 April, free of charge and open to all. We invite you to find out how this unique tool, which has been tested on SMEs, ETIs and large groups over the last 4 years, works, and in particular how it can be integrated into accounting systems and used to calculate environmental and social budgets.

Compulsory registrations / Places are limited!

Day 1 : April, 3rd

8.15 to 8.45 : Welcome and coffee

8.45 to 9.15 : Introduction to the conference

9.15 to 10.45 am : Multi-capital models : for whom, for what ? What's the link with CRSD ?

10.45  to 11.15 am :  Coffee break 

11.15 to 12.45 am :  The "positive" impact of organizations


01.45 to 03.15 pm :  Counting the performance of organizations in the context of planetary limits and social foundations 

03.15 to 04.45 pm : Coffee break

04.45 to 05.15pm :  Informations systems : what data and what infrastructure ? 

Day 2: April, 4th

8.30 to 9.00 : Welcome and coffee

9.00 to 10.30 : Review of internal audit and ESG : three years of study

10.30 to 11.00 am : Coffee break 

11.00  to 01.00 am :  Experiments : adopting a multi-capital model - what impact on teams and decision-making ? A look back at implementations/experiments


02.00 to 03.30 pm : Multi-capital models in transition : what role ?  

03.30 to 04.00 pm :Coffee break

04.00 to 05.30pm :  Researchs and practitioners projects - shoud we grow a community of pracademics ?

Register now