
  • Titre
  • BoD Member
  • Head of Joint Programme, Executive Program in Energy Business
  • Energy Transition & Sustainability Center Director, Research Direction
  • Chairman of the Energy Committee
  • Chairman of BoD, Akuo Energy Greece SA
  • Member of the Board - GGC expert/ adviser
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Teaching areas

Domaine d’enseignement
Energy Economics
Energy Risk Management
Energy Markets
Energy Transition

Research areas

Domaine de recherche
Development and Transition Economics
Energy Economics & Management
Risk Management


Finance Economics Strategy Energy transition Corporate Social Responsibility



Professor Dr. Kostas Andriosopoulos is the Executive Director of the Research Centre for Energy Transition & Sustainability Center at Audencia Business School where he holds the position of full Professor in Finance and Energy Economics. Kostas holds a PhD in Finance (Cass Business School, City University London), where he has been the recipient of the prestigious Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation’s scholarship. He also holds an MBA and MSc in Finance (Northeastern University, Boston, USA), and a bachelor’s degree in Production Engineering and Management (Technical University of Crete, Greece). In addition, Kostas held the position of Executive Director of the Research Centre for Energy Management at ESCP Europe Business School.

Kostas is a member in various professional and academic associations.

  • President of the Energy Committee of the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce.
  • President of the Decarbonization Fund of the Greek islands for the Hellenic Ministry of
  • Environment & Energy.
  • Founder and former Chairman of the Hellenic Association for Energy Economics (a think-tank
  • focusing on issues related to energy, the environment and the economy).
  • Board member of the Global Gas Center - World Energy Council as a Gas and LNG markets expert.
  • Member of the board of the International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE) as a Vice
  • President for Publications.
  • Founding board member of the Financial Engineering and Banking Society.
  • Member Technical Chamber of Greece.
  • Member of the Beta Gamma Sigma honor society, which recognizes outstanding academic
  • achievements of students enrolled in collegiate business and management programs.
  • Member of the Energy Commission of the Industry and Parliament Trust in the UK (2012-13).

In addition to his academic profile, he has an extensive professional experience in the business world and has served as a business consultant in energy, food, web & software, commodity trading and shipping industries. During September 2019 - February 2021 he was appointed Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Public Gas Company (DEPA), a position he also held for the period 2014-2015. Since August 2018 he is Country Manager of Akuo Energy in Greece, a multinational company based in France that develops RES projects in 17 countries around the world. In addition, he has worked as an advisor to the Retail Banking Director and Managing Director for the British Bankers' Association (2007). Kostas’ current interests include energy-related geopolitical issues, gas and LNG market dynamics, RES investments, financial engineering and the application of operational research tools on risk management and investment techniques in energy, shipping and agricultural commodity markets.

His work has been published in international finance and commodity-related Journals and has participated as speaker in recognized conferences world-wide. He is the Associate Editor for the International Journal of Financial Engineering and Risk Management, Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Energy Markets, he has edited special issues in recognized journals, acts as a reviewer for a number of academic journals, and has organized numerous international conferences.

Section CV


PhD in Finance and Energy Economics

Bayes Business School, London (2011)

MBA and MSc in Finance degrees with distinction (Summa Cum Laude)

Northeastern University, Boston (2006)

B. Eng. (5y Diploma) in Production Engineering and Management

Technical University of Crete, Crete (2004)


BoD Member

Hellenic Association for Energy Economics Since 2023

Head of Joint Programme, Executive Program in Energy Business

Audencia, Nantes, France Since 2021

Energy Transition & Sustainability Center Director, Research Direction

Audencia, Nantes, France Since 2021

Vice Chairman of BoD

Greek Public Gas Corporation (DEPA), Athens, Greece 2019 - 2021

Senior Advisor to the Deputy Minister for Energy

Ministry of Environment & Energy, Athens, Greece 2019 - 2020

Chairman of the Energy Committee

American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce, Athens, Greece Since 2019

Chairman of BoD, Akuo Energy Greece SA

Akuo Energy Greece SA , Greece Since 2018

Vice President for Publications and BoD Member

International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE) 2018 - 2020

Full Professor in Finance & Energy Economics

ESCP Europe, London, Great Britain 2017 - 2020

Member of the Board - GGC expert/ adviser

Global Gas Center of the World Energy Council Since 2016

Founding Chairman of the BoD

Hellenic Association for Energy Economics (HAEE) 2015 - 2019

Associate Professor

ESCP Europe Business School, London, Great Britain 2014 - 2017

Executive Founding Director, Energy Management Centre (EMC)

ESCP Europe Business School, London, Great Britain 2014 - 2020

Academic Director & Founder, MSc in Energy Management

ESCP Europe Business School, London, Great Britain 2014 - 2019

Vice Chairman of BoD

Greek Public Gas Corporation (DEPA), Athens, Greece 2014 - 2015

Senior Advisor

3H Partners LLP , London, Great Britain 2013 - 2018

Assistant Professor, Finance Department

ESCP Europe Business School, London, Great Britain 2011 - 2014

Co-founder & Managing Partner

Symmetria Web Solutions , London (UK), Athens (GR) 2010 - 2018

Business Consultant

Knud E. Hansen A/S , London (UK), Helsingor (DK), Piraeus (GR) 2008 - 2012

Tutor, Finance Department (MSc in Shipping Trade and Finance (STF), MSc in Energy Trade and Finance (ETF). MSc in Supply Chain Trade and Finance (SCTF)

Cass Business School, London, Great Britain 2008 - 2010

Research Analyst

British Bankers’ Association , London, Great Britain 2007 - 2007


Scientific activities

Guest Editor of an academic journal

Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 2023
Energy Journal, 2019
Journal of Banking and Finance, 2019
Computers and Operation Research, 2016
Energy Policy, 2016
Energy Systems, 2016
Energy Economics, 2014
Journal of Energy Markets, 2014
Journal of Banking and Finance, 2013
International Journal of Financial Engineering and Risk Management, 2013
International Journal of Financial Engineering and Risk Management, 2013

Associate Editor of an academic journal

Editorial board member, Sustainability, 2021
Editorial board member, International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance (IJBAAF), 2015
Associate Editor, The Journal of Energy Markets (JEM), 2015
Editorial board member, International Journal of Multicriteria Decision Making (IJMDM), 2012
Associate Editor, International Journal of Financial Engineering and Risk Management (IJFERM), 2011

Reviewer for an academic journal

International Review of Economics and Finance, 2014
Energy Systems, 2014
Computers and Operation Research, 2013
Energy Economics, 2013
Energy Policy, 2013
European Journal of Finance, 2012
European Journal of Operational Research, 2012
Transportation Research: Part E, 2012
Journal of Banking and Finance, 2012
International Journal of Financial Engineering and Risk Management, 2011
Risk Analysis: An International Journal, 2011

Awards and honors

Best Conference Paper Award at the 11th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems – SDEWES, Lisbon, Portugal (2016). “Historical Energy Security Analysis for EU Countries”, Andriosopoulos, K., Matsumoto, K., Doumpos, M., 2016
A multicriteria decision support system for energy firm rating. Team members: Kostas Andriosopoulos (Project leader), Michael Doumpos., 2013
Short-listed for the Best Conference Paper Award (Ranked 3rd out of 500 papers), at the 9th International Conference on the European Energy Market EEM12, Florence, Italy (2012). “Risk management in the energy markets and value at risk modelling: a hybrid approach”, Andriosopoulos, K. and Nomikos, N, 2012
Alexander S. Onassis PhD Scholarship from the Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation (2009-2011), 2009

Doctoral supervision