Section CV
Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Economics
Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg
PhD in Economics
University of Athens, Athens
Master of Arts in Economics
York University , Toronto
Bachelor Honors in Economics
Université de Western Ontario, London
Board of Directors
University of Ioannina, Greece
Since 2022
Research professor ( Chair) of Financial Economics and Banking
Montpellier Business School, France
2017 - 2022
Professor ( Chair) of Financial Economics and Banking
University of Surrey, Great Britain
2012 - 2017
Senior Lecturer in Banking, faculty of Finance
Cass Business School, Great Britain
2011 - 2012
Visiting out
ALBA Graduate Business School, Greece : Teaching at ALBA
DELIS, M., IFTEKHAR HASAN, I., THOMAS TO, T., ELIZA WU, E. (2024). The bright side of bank lobbying: Evidence from the corproate loan market. Journal of Corporate Finance, 86 (102591).
DELIS, M., DE GREIFF, K., MARIA IOSIFIDI, M., STEVEN ONGENA, S. (2024). Being stranded with fossil fuel reserves? Climate policy risk and the pricing of bank loans. Financial Markets, Institutions and Instruments, 33 (3), 211-348.
DELIS, M., SOTIRIOS KOKAS, S., ALEXANDROS KONTONIKAS, A. (2024). Reserves regulation and the risk-taking channel. Journal of Corporate Finance, 89 (102689).
DELIS, M., DIOIKITOPOULOS, E., ONGENA, S. (2023). Population diversity and financial risk-taking. Journal of Banking and Finance, 151 (June), 106852.
DELIS, M., HASAN, I., IOSIFIDI, M., TSOUMAS, C. (2023). Economic preferences for risk-taking and financing costs. Journal of Corporate Finance, 102423 (80), 102423.
DELIS, M., GALARIOTIS, E., IOSIFIDI, M., JEROME MONNE , J. (2023). Poverty and seeking bank advice: Evidence from a survey experiment. Journal of Financial Stability, 67 (101156).
DELIS, M., MARIA IOSIFIDI, M., MENELAOS TASIOU, M. (2023). Efficiency of goverment policy during the COVID-19 pandemic. Annals of Operations Research, 328 (May), 1287-1312.
DELIS (NTELIS), M. (., IOSIFIDI, M., PAPADOPOULOS, P. (2022). Blessing or curse? Government funding of deposit insurance and corporate lending. Journal of Financial Stability, 61 (August 2022), Article N° 101022.
DELIS, M., HASAN, I., IOSIFIDI, M., ONGENA, S. (2022). Gender, credit, and firm outomes. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 57, 359-389.
DELIS, M., HONG, S., PALTALIDIS, N., PHILIP, D. (2022). Forward guidance and corporate lending. Review of Finance, rfab027.
DELIS, M., HASAN, I., ONGENA, S. (2020). Democracy and credit. Journal of Financial Economics, 136, 571-596.
DELIS, M., STAIKOURAS, P., TSOUMAS, C. (2017). Formal enforcement actions and bank behavior. Management Science, 63, 959-987.
DELIS, M., HASAN, I., MYLONIDIS, N. (2017). The risk-taking channel of monetary policy in the U.S.: Evidence from corporate loan data. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 49, 187-213.
DELIS, M., KOKAS, S., ONGENA, S. (2017). Bank market power and firm performance. Review of Finance, 21, 299-326.
DELIS, M., GAGANIS, C., HASAN, I., PASIOURAS, F. (2017). The ffect of board directors from countries with different genetic diversity levels on corporate performance. Management Science, 63, 231-249.
DELIS, M., GALARIOTIS, E., IOSIFIDI, M., ONGENA, S. (2023). Corporate Taxes and Economic Inequality: A Credit Channel. CREDIT 2023 Conference Social, Sovereign and Geopolitical Risks.
Press articles
DELIS, M., IOSIFIDI, M. (2024). Les préférences en matiere de prise de risque: un facteur déterminant dans la tarification des prêts d'entreprise. Economie Matin, . (.), ..
Scientific activities
Associate Editor of an academic journal
International Review of Finance,
Journal of Financial Stability,