Alexandre Garel is an Associate Professor of Finance at Audencia Business School. His research interests include corporate finance, behavioral finance, climate finance, and corporate social responsibility. He served as a scientific advisor for KPMG Corporate Finance. He received his Ph.D. in Finance from the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and ESCP Europe in 2016.
Section CV
PhD in Finance
ESCP Europe Business School, Paris
Postgraduate Master Degree in European Economics
College of Europe, Bruges
Assistant Professor
Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand
2016 - 2019
Scientific Advisor for KPMG
Cabinet KPMG, Paris, France
2015 - 2016
GAREL, A., BART FRIJNS, B., SHUSHU LIAO, S. (2024). Employee demographic diversity and firm performance. Financial Management
GAREL, A., ARTHUR ROMEC, A., RONI MICHAELY, R., ALBERTA DI GIULI, A. (2024). Climate Change and Mutual Fund Voting on Climate Proposals. Management Science
BOURVEAU, T., GAREL, A., PETER JOOS, P., PETIT-ROMEC, A. (2024). When attention is away, analysts misplay: distraction and analyst forecast performance. Review of Accounting Studies, 29 (1), 916 - 958.
FRANÇOIS DERRIEN, F., GAREL, A., PETIT-ROMEC, A., JEAN-PHILIPPE WEISSKOPF, J.-P. (2024). Online Reputation and Debt Capacity. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 59 (3), 1100 - 1140.
GAREL, A., PETIT-ROMEC, A., SAUTNER, Z., WAGNER, A. (2024). Do investors care about biodiversity?. Review of Finance, 28 (4), 1151–1186.
ALEX EDMANS, A., ADRIAN FERNANDEZ-PEREZ, A., GAREL, A., IVAN INDRIAWAN, I. (2022). Music Sentiment and Stock Returns Around the World. Journal of Financial Economics, 145 (2 - Part A), 234-254.
BOURVEAU, T., BROCHET, F., GAREL, A. (2022). The Capital Market Consequences of Tenure-Based Voting Rights: Evidence from the Florange Act. Management Science, 68 (12), 9107–9128.
GAREL, A., PETIT-ROMEC, A. (2022). CEO Exposure to Abnormally Hot Temperature and Corporate Carbon Emissions. Economics Letters, 210 (January 2022), Article N° 110156.
GAREL, A., ARTHUR PETIT-ROMEC, A., VANDER VENNET, R. (2022). Institutional Shareholders and Bank Capital. Journal of Financial Intermediation, 50 (April 2022), Article N° 100960.
ADRIAN FERNANDEZ-PEREZ, A., GAREL, A., IVAN INDRIAWAN, I. (2022). In the mood for sustainable funds?. Economics Letters, 217 (August 2022), Article N° 110691.
DODD, O., FRIJNS, B., GAREL, A. (2022). Cultural Diversity Among Directors and Corporate Social Responsibility . International Review of Financial Analysis, 83 (October 2022), Article N°102337.
SEAN FOLEY, S., FRIJNS, B., GAREL, A., TAI-YONG ROH, T.-Y. (2022). Who buys Bitcoin? The Cultural Determinants of Bitcoin Activity. International Review of Financial Analysis, 84 (November 2022), 102385.
GAREL, A., PETIT-ROMEC, A. (2021). Engaging Employees for the Long-Run: Long-Term Investors and Employee-Related CSR. Journal of Business Ethics, 174 (1), 35-63.
GAREL, A., MOUSSU, C., OHANA, S., PETIT-ROMEC , A. (2021). Does Analyst Coverage Impede Long-Term Investments? Evidence from Health and Safety Programs. Comptabilité Contrôle Audit, 27 (2021/2), 41-73.
GAREL, A., MARTÍN-FLORES, J. M., PETIT-ROMEC, A., SCOTT AYESHA, A. (2021). Institutional Investor Distraction and Earnings Management . Journal of Corporate Finance, 66 (February 2021), Article N° 101801.
GAREL, A., PETIT-ROMEC, A. (2021). The Resilience of French Companies to the COVID-19 Crisis. Finance, 42 (2021/3), 99-137.
ABDUL NOURY, A., ABEL FRANÇOIS, F., OLIVIER GERGAUD, O., GAREL, A. (2021). How does COVID-19 affect electoral participation? evidence from the French municipal elections. PLOS ONE
GAREL, A., PETIT-ROMEC, A. (2021). Investor Rewards to Environmental Responsibility: Evidence from the COVID-19 Crisis . Journal of Corporate Finance, 68 (June 2021), Article N° 101948.
FRIJNS, B., GAREL, A. (2021). The Effect of Cultural Distance between an Analyst and a CEO on Analysts’ Earnings Forecast Performance. Economics Letters, 205 (August 2021), Article N° 109957.
GAREL, A. (2021). La Bourse au rythme de la musique. Harvard Business Review
GAREL, A., LE PENDEVEN, B. (2021). Calendar effects and crowdfunded projects. Economics Bulletin, 41 (3), 1407-1417.
CAPELLE-BLANCARD, G., DEROZIERS, A., GAREL, A., ARTHUR PETIT-ROMEC, A. (2021). L'investissement socialement responsable. Changement structurel et faux-semblant. Revue Française de Gestion, 2021/7 (300), 61-99.
ADRIAN FERNANDEZ-PEREZ, A., GAREL, A., IVAN INDRIAWAN, I. (2020). Natural gas storage forecast s: Is the crowd wiser?. Energy Journal, 41 (5), 213-238.
GAREL, A., PETIT-ROMEC, A. (2020). Investor Horizons and Employee Satisfaction: A test of the long-term perspective vision of CSR. Economics Bulletin, 40 (1), 765-781.
FERNANDEZ-PEREZ, A., GAREL, A., INDRIAWAN, I. (2020). Music sentiment and stock returns. Economics Letters, 192 (July 2020), article n° 109260.
GAREL, A., MARTÍN-FLORES, J. M., ARTHUR PETIT-ROMEC, A. (2020). Stock Market Listing and the Persistence of Bank Performance across Crises. Journal of Banking and Finance, 118 (September 2020), Article n° 105885.
CHEN, J., GAREL, A., ALIREZA TOURANI-RAD, A. (2019). The value of academics: Evidence from academic independent director resignations in China. Journal of Corporate Finance, 58, 393-414.
GAREL, A., REROLLE, J.-F. (2018). Fundamental Investors Reduce the Distraction on Management from Random Market “Noise”: Evidence from France. Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, 30 (1), 62-69.
GAREL, A., ARTHUR PETIT-ROMEC, A. (2017). Bank capital in the crisis: It's not just how much you have but who provides it. Journal of Banking and Finance, 75, 152-166.
GAREL, A. (2017). Myopic market pricing and managerial myopia. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 44 (9-10), 1194-1213.
GAREL, A., PETIT-ROMEC, A. (2021) Financial Reforms Edward Elgar Publishing
GAREL, A. (2022). Music sentiment and stock returns around the world. Columbia Business School / Hunter College.
GAREL, A. (2022). Finance verte : la racine de la transition ecologique. France 24
GAREL, A. (2022). Interview radio: la musique joyeuse ferait monter le cours des bourses. Radio Television Suisse
Press articles
GAREL, A. (2022). Finance comportementale. Quand la musique rythme l'evolution des cours de Bourse. Courrier International
GAREL, A. (2022). Huit ans apres le bilan mitige de la loi Florange. The Conversation
GAREL, A. (2022). Why being sad is good for ESG. Bloomberg
GAREL, A. (2022). Bourse : la dépression saisonnière fait de vous un investisseur plus responsable. Les Echos
GAREL, A. (2021). Mood, music and money: what our Spotify playlists reveal about the emotional nature of financial markets. The Conversation
GAREL, A. (2020). Quel sens donner à la chute des cours de bourse pendant la crise du Covid-19 ?. The Conversation
GAREL, A. (2020). Investors reward environmental responsibility in the COVID-19 crisis.
GAREL, A. (2019). Effets réels de la présence des investisseurs de long terme dans les entreprises cotées. Réalités Industrielles, (Novembre), 13-17.
Professional conferences
GAREL, A. (2019). Colloque "Finance, entreprise et long terme".
Scientific activities
Reviewer for an academic journal
Management Science,
Ecological Economics,
Contemporary Accounting Research,
Review of Finance,
Energy Economics,
Journal of Business Ethics,
Journal of Corporate Finance,
International Review of Economics and Finance,
Managerial Finance,
Finance Research Letters,
European Accounting Review,
Journal of Banking and Finance,
British Journal of Management,
Economics Bulletin,
Member of the scientific board of an academic association
AFFI conference 2020 AFFI conference 2020,
Doctoral supervision
Since 2015, A. ANGELA ANDERSEN : The social capital of boardrooms, ,
Since 2019, S. SHENGZE XU : Institutional Investor ownership and environment-friendly corporate policies, ,