GERKE, A. (2024). Organisation of interdisciplinary research seminar on Circular Economy in collaboration with Ecole Centrale and CARES.
GERKE, A., BENSON-REA, M., ODLIN, D. (2024). An Exploratory Analysis Of Interorganisational Relationships Towards Circular Economy And Their Motives: Insights From Smaller Players In The Sporting Goods Industry. dans Alexandris, K., Ströbel, T., & Schut, P-O (Eds.), European Association for Sport Management - Annual Conference (pp. 589-591). Paris: European Association of Sport Management.
GERKE, A., BENSON-REA, M. (2024). The Role of Interorganizational Relationships in Firm Strategies Towards Circular Economy. European Academy of Management Annual Conference.
GERKE, A., HAAS, A., WAESCHE, H. (2024). Networking versus Firm Characteristics – Determinants for Innovativeness of Incubated Sport Business Start-ups. European Academy of Management Annual Conference.
GERKE, A., BREITBARTH, T. (2023). Carbon Literacy in der Wirtschaft: Literaturübersicht und organisatorische Praxis.
GERKE, A., FEHRER, J., BENSON-REA, M. (2023). Circular Business Models in the Sport Industry. Annual Conference. North American Society for Sport Management.
GERKE, A., BENSON-REA, M. (2023). An exploratory analysis of interorganisational relationships towards circular economy and their motives: insights from smaller players in the sporting goods industry.. European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) - Subtheme 47 - Interorganizational Relationships for Sustainable Development: Collaboration in the Circular Economy.
GERKE, A., BENSON-REA, M., ODLIN, D. (2022). Framework for SME upgrading in emerging market clusters. Australia and New Zealand International Business Academy.
GERKE, A., LE DEAN, R. (2022). Customer Acceptance Of Artificial Intelligence In The Sport Industry. dans Schnitzer, M. et al (Eds.), European Association for Sport Management Book of Abstracts (pp. 315-317).
GERKE, A., BENSON-REA, M. (2021). Interorganisational Relationships in Circular Economy Strategies: Insights From The Sport Equipment Industry. European Association for Sport Management.
GERKE, A., DICKSON, G. (2020). A Procedural Perspective on Dynamic Capabilities – Insights from Australian Golf Clubs. European Association for Sport Management (EASM).
GERKE, A., BENSON-REA, M., FEHRER, J. (2020). Towards a circular economy in the sports gear and apparel industry. Sport Management Association of Australia and New Zealand (SMAANZ) Annual Conference.
GERKE, A., BENSON-REA, M. (2019). Dynamics of the Global Factory: Insights from an emerging market cluster., European Academy of Management (EURAM) Annual Meeting.
GERKE, A., DICKSON, G., CHAUDHRY, A. (2019). How can a golf club ensure its financial future? New service development, new corporate identity, and transitions management.., World Association for Sport Management (pp. 149-150).
GERKE, A., BENSON-REA, M. (2019). Bringing corporate sustainability policies and customer expectations together. CR3+ conference.
GERKE, A., DICKSON, G. (2019). Service innovation in the Victorian golf industry – how does it (not) work?., Sport Management Association of Australia and New Zealand (SMAANZ).
GIANNAKIS, M., GERKE, A., LUZZINI, D., WASCHE, H. (2018). The impact of interorganizational citizenship behavior and moderating role of network characteristics on product innovation.., Production and Operations Management Society International Conference.
GERKE, A., WORATSCHEK, H., DICKSON, G. (2018). How is value co-created in a sport business-to-business context?., European Academy of Management.
GERKE, A. (2018). A conceptual framework for sport clusters as sectoral initiative-clusters.., Clustering Conference.
GERKE, A., WÄSCHE, H. (2018). How Do Structural Network Characteristics Relate to Network Governance ?. dans Carlsson, B., Breitbarth, T., & Bjärsholm, Daniel (Eds.), 26th European Association for Sport Management (EASM) Conference (pp. 37-38).
WASCHE, H., GERKE, A., GIANNAKIS, M. (2017). The Network Structure of Innovation – Insights from a Sport Innovation Incubator., 24th European Association for Sport Management (EASM) Conference.
GERKE, A., BENSON-REA, M. (2017). The Dynamics Of The Global Factory: Building A New Sport Manufacturing Cluster., 24th European Association for Sport Management (EASM) Conference.
GERKE, A. (2017). How are cross-sectoral sport networks structured and governed? Insights through social network analysis in surfing clusters., North Amercian Society for Sport Management (NASSM) 2017 Conference.
GERKE, A. (2017). From Cognitive to Organisational Proximity – Insights on Resilience of Clusters from the Sport Industry., EURAM 2017 Conference.
AL-KUWARI, K. A. J., GERKE, A. (2017). Country Branding: An Analysis of Qatar as Preferred Sports Destination., European Association for Sport Management (EASM) Conference.
GERKE, A., DALLA PRIA, Y. (2017). Cluster Concept: What Lessons for the Sport Sector? Towards a Two-step Model of Sport Cluster Development based on Socio-economic Proximity., North Amercian Society for Sport Management (NASSM) 2017 Conference.
DALLA PRIA, Y., GERKE, A. (2017). Proximité socio-économique et trajectoires de développement des clusters sport.., 9ème congrès international de la Société de Sociologie du Sport de Langue Française (3SLF).
GERKE, A., DALLA PRIA, Y. (2017). Trajectoires de développement et hétérogénéïté des clusters sport : une analyse socio-économique.., Colloque Management du Sport.
GERKE, A., WÄSCHEN, H., GIANNAKIS, M. (2017). How are Cross-Sectoral Sport Networks Structured and Governed? Insights through Social Network Analysis at Surfing Clusters. North American Society for Sport Management.
GERKE, A. (2016). Presentation of the sport innovation incubator Le Tremplin with the management of Le Tremplin., EURAM Managing Sport Special Interest Group Pre-conference.
GERKE, A., DICKSON, G., DESBORDES, M., GATES, S. (2016). Bouquets are as useful as brickbats: The influence of interorganizational citizenship behaviors on the innovation process., European Academy of Management (EURAM) 16th Annual Conference.
GERKE, A., WORATSCHEK, H., DICKSON, G. (2016). Empirical evidence for the Sport Value Framework–the bridging role of the Sport Cluster concept in sport marketing theory.., Sport Management Association of Australia and New Zealand (SMAANZ) Annual Conference.
GERKE, A., DALLA PRIA, Y. (2016). Typologies of sport clusters based on socio-economic proximity.., Sport Management Association of Australia and New Zealand (SMAANZ) Annual Conference.
GERKE, A., DICKSON, G., DESBORDES, M. (2015). Sport industry cluster – testing the sport value framework on the meso-level., 23rd EASM Conference.
GERKE, A. (2015). Interorganizational Linkages in Sport Industry Clusters : Types, Development, and Motives., 15th EURAM Conference.
GERKE, A. (2015). From manufacturing base to innovative cluster - the case of Taïwan's cycle industry., 11th Asian Association for Sport Management (AASM) Conference.
GERKE, A., DESBORDES, M., DICKSON, G. (2014). Managing interorganisational links in sporting goods industries – the case of sailing clusters., World Association for Sport Management Inaugural Conference.
GERKE, A. (2014). Interorganizational Citizenship Behavior in Sport Clusters., North American Society for Sport Management 2014 conference.