TitreInternational Affiliate Faculty
- Distinguished Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Section CV
HAYA AL-DAJANI, H., NUPUR PAVAN BANG, N., RODRIGO BASCO, R., ANDREA CALABRO, A., JEREMY CHI YEUNG CHENG, J., ERIC CLINTON, E., JOSHUA J. DASPIT, J., ALFREDO DE MASSIS, A., ALLAN DISCUA CRUZ, A., LUCIA GARCIA-LORENZO, L., WILLIAM B. GARTNER, W., OLIVIER GERMAIN, O., SILVIA GHERARDI, S., JENNY HELIN, J., MIGUEL IMAS, M., JACK, S., MCADAM, M., RADU-LEFEBVRE, M., PAOLA ROVELLI, P., MALIN TILLMAR, M., MARIATERESA TORCHIA, M., KAREN VERDUIJN, K., FRIEDERIKE WELTER, F. (2024). A multi-voiced account of family entrepreneuring research: expanding the agenda of family entrepreneurship. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research, 30 (9), 2185-2233.
Burke, M. K., Pugh, R., Soetanto, D., Owusu-Kwarteng, A., JACK, S. (2024). The engaged university delivering social innovation. Journal of Technology Transfer
Soetanto, D., Huang, S., Mahmud, M., JACK, S. (2024). A configuration perspective of absorptive capacity in environmental management practice. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 36 (3), 408-422.
Owusu‐Kwarteng, A., Forson, C., Dada, O. (., JACK, S. (2024). A symbolic violence approach to gender inequality in academia. Gender, Work and Organization
CHAMPENOIS, C., JACK, S., HJORTH, D., DODD, S. (2024). The Other Organization: Heterotopia, management and entrepreneurship. Journal of Management Inquiry, 1-16.
Van Burg, E., Cornelissen, J., Stam, W., JACK, S. (2022). Advancing Qualitative Entrepreneurship Research: Leveraging Methodological Plurality for Achieving Scholarly Impact. Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 46 (1), 3-20.
CHAMPENOIS, C., JACK, S. (2022). A non-workshop on a socialized view of entrepreneurship: building and extending a community of practice for work on embeddedness. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 34 (7-8), 515-541.
Pugh, R., Soetanto, D., JACK, S., Hamilton, E. (2021). Developing local entrepreneurial ecosystems through integrated learning initiatives: the Lancaster case. Small Business Economics, 56 (2), 833-847.
Dodd, S., Anderson, A., JACK, S. (2021). “Let them not make me a stone”—repositioning entrepreneurship. Journal of Small Business Management, 1-29.
Discua Cruz, A., Hamilton, E., JACK, S. (2021). Understanding entrepreneurial opportunities through metaphors: a narrative approach to theorizing family entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 33 (5-6), 405-426.
Galkina, T., JACK, S. (2021). The synergy of causation and effectuation in the process of entrepreneurial networking: Implication for opportunity development. International Small Business Journal, 026624262110452.
Mahmud, M., Soetanto, D., JACK, S. (2021). A contingency theory perspective of environmental management: Empirical evidence from entrepreneurial firms. Journal of General Management, 47 (1), 3-17.
Leppäaho, T., JACK, S., Plakoyiannaki, E. (2021). Network Mechanisms in the Entry and Post‐Entry Phases of Internationalization: Evidence from Finnish Family Firms. British Journal of Management
Steiner, A., JACK, S., Farmer, J., Steinerowska-Streb, I. (2021). Are They Really a New Species? Exploring the Emergence of Social Entrepreneurs Through Giddens’s Structuration Theory. Business and Society, 000765032110530.
Mahmud, M., Soetanto, D., JACK, S. (2020). Environmental management and product innovation: The moderating role of the dynamic capability of small manufacturing firms. Journal of Cleaner Production, 264, 121633.
Lamine, W., Fayolle, A., JACK, S., Byrne, J. (2019). The role of materially heterogeneous entities in the entrepreneurial network. Industrial Marketing Management, 80, 99-114.
Williams Middleton, K., Padilla-Meléndez, A., Lockett, N., Quesada-Pallarès, C., JACK, S. (2019). The university as an entrepreneurial learning space. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research, 26 (5), 887-909.
Soetanto, D., Huang, Q., JACK, S. (2018). Obstacles, Networking Approaches and Entrepreneurial Network Changes. European Management Review, 15 (2), 171-189.
Pugh, R., Lamine, W., JACK, S., Hamilton, E. (2018). The entrepreneurial university and the region: what role for entrepreneurship departments?. European Planning Studies, 26 (9), 1835-1855.
Hamilton, E., Discua Cruz, A., JACK, S. (2017). Re-framing the status of narrative in family business research: Towards an understanding of families in business. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 8 (1), 3-12.
Lockett, N., Quesada-Pallarès, C., Williams-Middleton, K., Padilla-Meléndez, A., JACK, S. (2017). ‘Lost in space’. Industry and Higher Education, 31 (2), 67-80.
Larty, J., JACK, S., Lockett, N. (2017). Building regions: a resource-based view of a policy-led knowledge exchange network. Regional Studies, 51 (7), 994-1007.
Pfister, J. A., JACK, S., Darwin, S. N. (2017). Strategizing open innovation: How middle managers work with performance indicators. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 33 (3), 139-150.
Zozimo, R., JACK, S., Hamilton, E. (2017). Entrepreneurial learning from observing role models. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 29 (9-10), 889-911.
LEFEBVRE, V., VERSHININA, N., JACK, S. (2023). The micro-foundations of new venture growth at the early development stage: A phenomenological perspective on growing. European Scaleup Conference.
VERSHININA, N., BELITSKI, M., JACK, S., MONSEN, E. (2023). Democratisation of family firm business models in post-covid and post-capitalism society. Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Annual Conference.