LEFEBVRE, V., VERSHININA, N. (2023). Scaling up for good: the role of actors at the centerof the organizational scaling-up process. European Scale Up Institute Conference.
LEFEBVRE, V., VERSHININA, N., JACK, S. (2023). The micro-foundations of new venture growth at the early development stage: A phenomenological perspective on growing. European Scaleup Conference.
RADU-LEFEBVRE, M., VERSHININA, N., LEFEBVRE, V. (2022). Living up to self-imposed standards: enacting moral leadership and innovation as gendered practice in family business. RENT Conference.
RADU-LEFEBVRE, M., LEFEBVRE, V. (2021). Becoming an entrepreneur: it takes more than founding a venture. Babson Conference.
LEFEBVRE, V., RADU-LEFEBVRE, M. (2021). Minding the social capital gap between new venture stages. EGOS Conference.
LEFEBVRE, V., VERSHININA, N. (2021). The role of learning in organizing and growing processes at a new venture stage. EGOS.
LEFEBVRE, V., RADU-LEFEBVRE, M., GARTNER, W. B., CLARKE, J. (2020). Portraits of the past, present and future of families and their businesses. USASBE Conference.
RADU LEFEBVRE, M., RONTEAU, S., LEFEBVRE, V., MCADAM, M. (2019). Entrepreneuring as a liminal space for successors' emancipation. Entrepreneurship as Practice 4th Conference, Nantes3-5 April.
LEFEBVRE, V., ANDERSON, A. (2019). Learning the practice of entrepreneuring social situating through social capital. Entrepreneurship as Practice 4th Conference, Nantes 3-5 April 2019.
LEFEBVRE, V., RADU LEFEBVRE, M., CLARKE, J., GARTNER, W. B. (2019). Entrepreneurial legacy: Images of facilitating or inhibiting successor entrepreneurial Identity. AOM Symposium Identity and Around.
LEFEBVRE, V., RADU LEFEBVRE, M., GARTNER, W. B. (2019). Fighting shadows of the past: Entrepreneuring as emancipation in Family Firms. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference.
LEFEBVRE, V. (2019). Family Entrepreneurship Executive Education. AOM PDW Family Entrepreneurship.
RADU LEFEBVRE, M., RONTEAU, S., LEFEBVRE, V., MCADAM, M. (2019). Entrepreneuring as a liminal space for successors' emancipation. Entrepreneurship as Practice 4th Conference.
RADU LEFEBVRE, M., LEFEBVRE, V., CLARKE, J., GARTNER, W. B. (2018). Past, Present and Future: Understanding Family Entrepreneurship in Successors’ Prospective and Retrospective Thinking through Visual Narrative Analysis. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Waterford 6-9 June 2018.
CHAMPENOIS, C., LEFEBVRE, V., & RONTEAU, S. (2017). Entrepreneurship as Practice: a systematic literature review of a nascent field?., Symposium on Entrepreneurship Research: Past, Present and Future.
LEFEBVRE, V., RADU LEFEBVRE, M., CHAMPENOIS, C., ANDERSON, A. (2017). Values at the heart of family-business identity: A family CEOs’ perspective. Entrepreneurship: past, present and future, Paris 10-12 May 2017.
LEFEBVRE, V., RADU LEFEBVRE, M., DELCHET-COCHET, K. (2015). RSE et Entrepreneuriat : vers un croisement des cadres conceptuels., 9ème Congrès de l'Académie de l'Entrepreneuriat et de l'Innovation.
LEFEBVRE, V., RADU LEFEBVRE, M. (2015). L'Image Métier de l'accompagnement entrepreneurial : les déterminants d'une carrière., 9ème Congrès de l'Académie de l'Entrepreneuriat et de l'Innovation.
LEFEBVRE, V., & MARCHAIS ROUBELAT, A. (2015). Entrepreneuriat et territoire : dialogue entre les Sciences de Gestion et la Géographie., 9ème Congrès AEI (Académie de l'Entrepreneuriat et de l'Innovation).
LEFEBVRE, V., SAINT-JEAN, E., MARCHETTI, L., MESSEGHE, K., & VERZAT, C. (2015). Enjeux et facettes de la recherche sur l’accompagnement entrepreneurial (workshop)., 9ème Congrès AEI (Académie de l'Entrepreneuriat et de l'Innovation).
RADU LEFEBVRE, M., LEFEBVRE, V., & CHAMPENOIS, C. (2014). The Social Representation of Responsible Entrepreneurship in French Family Businesses., IFERA 2014 Annual Conference (The International Family Enterprise Research Academy).
RADU LEFEBVRE, M., LEFEBVRE, V., & CHAMPENOIS, C. (2014). Responsible Entrepreneurship: norm and/or ideal of French family businesses?., 59th Annual Conference of International Council for Small Business.
LEFEBVRE, V. (2014). Proposition d’approche méthodologique pour l’analyse des réseaux formels d’entrepreneurs., 3ème journée d’études du groupe FMR (Flux Matrices Réseaux), Croissance et décroissance des réseaux.
LAVIOLETTE, E.-M., LEFEBVRE, V., & RADU LEFEBVRE, M. (2014). Business Modeling as Design Thinking: Implications for Entrepreneurship Education., 59th Annual Conference of International Council for Small Business.
LEFEBVRE, V., RADU LEFEBVRE, M., DELÉCOLLE, T. (2013). Trust at first sight ? The impact of entrepreneurs’ pitch presentations on business angels’ investment decisions in France and Germany.. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, 5-8 June 2013.
RADU LEFEBVRE, M., & LEFEBVRE, V. (2013). Investir au capital d’un nouveau projet entrepreneurial : une histoire de confiance ?., 8ème Congrès de l'Académie de l'Entrepreneuriat et de l'Innovation.
RADU LEFEBVRE, M., LEFEBVRE, V., & O'SHEA, N. (2013). Entrepreneurs: the last of the shamans? Heroic metaphors of entrepreneurs in the French press., 3rd Conference of Management, Spirituality & Religion.
RADU LEFEBVRE, M., & LEFEBVRE, V. (2011). L'élaboration du Business Model en situation d'accompagnement : une co-construction de la boîte à alternatives du développement sur le modèle de la poubelle ?., 7ème Congrès de l'Académie de l'Entrepreneuriat et de l'Innovation.