Section CV
PhD, Deductive and diagnostic data systems
Brunel University, Londres
Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) in Manufacturing Engineering
Brunel University, Londres
Head of Major, Management Department
Audencia Business School, Nantes, France
2014 - 2017
Head of EMEA Client Relationships
Charles River Development, Londres
2001 - 2014
Business development role
KW International, Londres
1999 - 2000
Technical consultant
Cogent, Londres
1998 - 1999
Legal & General, Londres
1997 - 1997
Henderson Investors, Londres
1995 - 1997
The Royal Bank of Scotland, Londres
1993 - 1995
Monsas IT Ltd, Londres
1992 - 1993
Visiting out
IIT Stuart School of Business, : Research Visiting Out
CURRIE, W., SEDDON, J. (2024). Competing Stakeholder Narratives on Crypto-Assets: Miracle or Mirage?. Journal of Information Technology, 39 (2), 339-360.
HUGHES, L., SEDDON, J., DWIVEDI, Y. (2024). Disruptive Change Within Financial Technology - A Methodological Analysis of Digital Transformation Challenges. Journal of Information Technology, 39 (4), 756-783.
GUPTA, P., HOODA, A., JEYARAJ, A., SEDDON, J., DWIVEDI, Y. (2024). Trust, Risk, Privacy and Security in e-Government Use: Insights from a MASEM Analysis. Information Systems Frontiers
COOPER, R., CURRIE, W., SEDDON, J., VAN VLIET, B. (2023). Competitive Advantage in Algorithmic Trading: A Behavioral Innovation Economics Approach. Review of Behavioral Finance, 15 (3), 371-395.
CURRIE, W., SEDDON, J. (2022). Exploring Technological Instantiation of Regulatory Practices in Entangled Financial Markets. Journal of Information Technology, 37 (1), 31-50.
CURRIE, W., SEDDON, J. (2022). Stakes, Positions And Logics: An Institutional Field Analysis Of Cross-Border Health It Policy.. Journal of Information Technology, 37 (2), 165-187.
CURRIE, W., SEDDON, J., VAN VLIET, B. (2022). From Decision Optimization to Satisficing: Regulation of Automated Trading in the US Financial Markets. Information and Management, 59 (8).
CURRIE, W., GOZMAN, Daniel P., SEDDON, J. (2019). Dialectic tensions in the financial markets: a longitudinal study of pre- and post-crisis regulatory technology. Journal of Information Technology, 33 (4), 304-325.
BLOCHER, J., COOPER, R., SEDDON, J., VAN VLIET, B. (2018). A Retrospective Look: Phantom Liquidity and High-Frequency Quoting. The Journal of Trading, 13 (4), 117.
CURRIE, Wendy, SEDDON, Jonathan (2017). The regulatory, technology and market ‘dark arts trilogy’ of high frequency trading: a research agenda. Journal of Information Technology, 32 (2), 111-126.
COOPER, Rick, SEDDON, Jonathan, VAN VLIET, Ben (2017). High-frequency trading and conflict in the financial markets. Journal of Information Technology, 32 (3), 270-282.
SEDDON, Jonathan, CURRIE, Wendy (2017). Healthcare financialisation and the digital divide in the European Union: narrative and numbers. Information and Management, 54 (8), 1084-1096.
SEDDON, Jonathan, CURRIE, Wendy (2017). A model for unpacking big data analytics in high-frequency trading. Journal of Business Research, 70, 300-307.
BLOCHER, Jesse, COOPER, Rick, SEDDON, Jonathan, VAN VLIET, Ben (2016). Phantom Liquidity and High-Frequency Quoting. The Journal of Trading, 11 (3), 6-15.
CURRIE, Wendy, SEDDON, Jonathan (2014). Social Innovation in Public Health: Can Mobile Technology Make a Difference?. Information Systems Management, 31 (3), 187-199.
CURRIE, Wendy, SEDDON, Jonathan (2014). A cross-National Analysis of eHealth in the European Union: Some Policy and Research Directions. Information and Management, 51 (6), 783-797.
CURRIE, Wendy, SEDDON, Jonathan (2013). Cloud Computing and Trans-Border Health Data Flows: Unpacking US and E.U. Regulation and Compliance. Health Policy and Technology, 2 (4), 229-241.
CURRIE, Wendy, SEDDON, Jonathan (2015) E-Health Policy and Benchmarking in the European Union Palgrave, , 526-542
CURRIE, W., SEDDON, J. (2024). Debunking the Myth of Crypto-Assets as Financial Innovation: Unpacking the fallout from the Crypto Winter (IADIS, Porto).
SEDDON, J. (2023). Code is crime: How trustless technology supports scamming.
SEDDON, J. (2023). The Answer to Supply Chain Issues: The virtual product.
CURRIE, W., SEDDON, J. (2023). Unpacking the Societal and Institutional Risks of Crypto Assets: The Policy-Innovation Nexus.
SEDDON, J. (2023). How the US Financial Market Embraced Automation. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology (pp. 292-300). Springer.
CURRIE, W., SEDDON, J. (2022). Technology Leapfrogging In European Health Systems: Policy Implications For The Digital Divide. European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS).
CURRIE, W., SEDDON, J. (2022). Digital Transformation in Europe: An Analysis of the Digital Divide in e-Commerce and e-Government. Americas' Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS).
CURRIE, W., SEDDON, J. (2017). Theories for Analysing Innovation and Technology in Emerging Financial Markets: The Case of Algorithmic and High Frequency Trading., Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) 2017.
CURRIE, W., SEDDON, J., COOPER, R., VAN VLIET, B. (2017). Innovation and the changing structure of financial markets., Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) 2017.
CURRIE, W., & SEDDON, J. (2016). The Paradox In Cross-Border Health Care: Can Mobile Technology Leapfrogging Make A Difference?., Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS).
COOPER, R., SEDDON, J., & VAN VLIET, B. (2016). The Evolution Of High-frequency Trading And A Changing Market Structure: What Has Evolved From The Crash., 14th Infinity conference on International Finance.
COOPER, R., SEDDON, J., & VAN VLIET, B. (2016). Methodological Challenges in Critical Finance Studies: Designing a Research Agenda for Understanding Financial Markets., Fourth annual ontology workshop.
CURRIE, W., & SEDDON, J. (2016). Diversifying Financial Research., 14th Infinity conference on International Finance.
CURRIE, W., & SEDDON, J. (2015). Methodological Pluralism for Understanding High Frequency Trading and Dark Pools., Third Annual Workshop – Disruptive Methodology in Social Science.
SEDDON, J., & CURRIE, W. (2015). Financialization and the European Union: A post-crisis study of the banking system., 5th International Conference of the Financial Engineering and Banking Society (FEBS).
CURRIE, W., & SEDDON, J. (2015). Computerized High Frequency and Algorithmic Trading: Correlation and Causation., High Frequency Trading (HFT) Conference.
CURRIE, W., & SEDDON, J. (2015). Can mobile health improve patient-centred healthcare in the European Union?., 23rd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2015).
CURRIE, W., SEDDON, J. (2014). Regulating Patient Data in the Cloud: a Comparative Study of U.S. and EU Healthcare., 22rd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS).
CURRIE, W., & SEDDON, J. (2014). Institutional effects of comparative government regulation for the protection and privacy of health data in the cloud., 8th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS) 2014.
Scientific activities
Reviewer for an academic journal
Journal of Strategic Information Systems,
Journal of Information Technology,
Journal of Information Technology,
Journal of Information Technology,
Journal of Information Technology,
Journal of Information Technology,
Journal of Information Technology,
Information & Management,
Journal of Information Technology,
Journal of Information Technology,
Journal of Information Technology,
Journal of Information Technology,
Journal of Information Technology,
Journal of Information Technology,
Information Sciences,
Information & Management,
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization,
Information & Management,
Journal Of Information Technology,
Awards and honors
Regulation on Crypto-AssetsRegulation on Crypto-Assets, 2022
Best Paper Award 2018 of the Journal of Information Technology for the article "Dialectic Tensions in the Financial Markets: A Longitudinal Study of pre- and Post-Crisis Regulatory Technology", 2018
The role of big data in governance, 2015