TitreInternational Affiliate Faculty
- Affiliate faculty, Technology Management Program
- Distinguished Professor
- Affiliate faculty, Center for Information Technology & Society
Section CV
Doctorate, Information and communication, Communication
Purdue University , Purdue
Affiliate faculty, Technology Management Program
University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, United States of America
Since 2017
Distinguished Professor
University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, United States of America
Since 2016
Professor Above Scale
University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, United States of America
2012 - 2015
Affiliate faculty, Center for Information Technology & Society
University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, United States of America
Since 2003
Lew, Z., STOHL, C. (2024). News/Discussion Values and Interactivity in Corporate Social Responsibility Communication via Social Media. Management Communication Quarterly
Yang, Y., STOHL, C. (2024). Convergent and Divergent Corporate Social Responsibility in South Korea: Collaborative and Adversarial NGO-Corporate Networks. Management Communication Quarterly
Tindage, M. F., Lemus, D., STOHL, C. (2024). Understanding the perceptions of memorable messages about academic performance among students of color in the United States*. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 52 (2), 219-236.
Lew, Z., STOHL, C. (2023). What makes people willing to comment on social media posts? The roles of interactivity and perceived contingency in online corporate social responsibility communication. Communication Monographs, 90 (1), 1-24.
Harness, D., Ganesh, S., STOHL, C. (2022). Visibility agents: Organizing transparency in the digital era. New Media and Society, 146144482211378.
Ganesh, S., STOHL, C., Kim, Y. J. (2022). Membership Matters: Organizing Archetypes, Participatory Styles, and Connective Action. Management Communication Quarterly, 36 (2), 288-317.
Yang, Y., STOHL, C. (2020). The (in)congruence of measures of corporate social responsibility performance and stakeholder measures of corporate social responsibility reputation. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 27 (2), 969-981.
Yang, Y., STOHL, C. (2020). The appropriation of traditional media content in online contexts: A South Korean textbook case. Communication Monographs, 87 (1), 92-113.
ter Hoeven, C. L., STOHL, C., Leonardi, P., Stohl, M. (2019). Assessing Organizational Information Visibility: Development and Validation of the Information Visibility Scale. Communication Research, 009365021987709.
Ford, B. R., STOHL, C. (2019). Does CSR Matter? A longitudinal analysis of product reviews for CSR-associated brands. Journal of Brand Management, 26 (1), 60-70.
Banghart, S., Etter, M., STOHL, C. (2018). Organizational Boundary Regulation Through Social Media Policies. Management Communication Quarterly, 32 (3), 337-373.
STOHL, C., Etter, M., Banghart, S., Woo, D. (2017). Social Media Policies: Implications for Contemporary Notions of Corporate Social Responsibility. Journal of Business Ethics, 142 (3), 413-436.
Matni, Z., STOHL, C. (2018) Organizational Networks and Strategic Communication John Wiley & Sons, , 1-10
Stohl, M., STOHL, C. (2017) Communication and Terrorist Organizations John Wiley & Sons, , 1-6
STOHL, C., Stohl, M. (2016) Clandestine/Hidden Organizations John Wiley & Sons, , 1-9