Governance and Strategy

As a pioneering CSR school, Audencia has placed environmental and social transition at the heart of its strategy. In order to identify its priorities, define its objectives and monitor its action plans, the school works closely with its various stakeholders and has surrounded itself with three entities: a strategic committee, a scientific committee and a student committee. This governance provides management with a cross-functional vision at the crossroads of the challenges of tomorrow's ecological and social transition and the expectations of all its stakeholders.

Strategic Sustainability Committee

Made up of faculty members and administrative staff with expertise in the challenges of ecological and social transition. The aim of this committee is to ensure alignment between teaching, research, employee initiatives and the coherence of CSR/Gaïa projects. It also proposes strategic CSR orientations to the school's CODIR and ensures that the defined objectives are achieved, and that the strategy is integrated into the carbon emissions reduction trajectory.

The committee meets 3 times a year.

Scientific Sustainability Committee

Made up of external members, this scientific council identifies prospective themes on transition issues. It suggests areas that Audencia should explore in the field of SD&RS, and invites reflection on how Audencia / Gaïa should position transition issues, and with what resources and skills.

The council meets once a year.

Scientific Sustainability Committee members:

  • Matthieu Cathelinais, Director of Sustainable Finance CETIH
  • Dominique Gilsanz, Director of HR Transformation, Commitment and Diversity, Groupe VYV
  • Pascal Gries, Independent Nuclear Physician
  • Lydie Lescarmotier, Glaciologist and Director of Antarctic-related actions at the NGO International Cryosphere Climate Initiative
  • Valérie Martin, Head of Mobilisation Citoyenne et Médias at Ademe
  • Vinciane Martin, Employment & Training Coordinator, The Shift Project
  • Michel Nicolas, Director of Responsible Economic Development, Employment, Innovation, Europe and International, Nantes Métropole
  • Cécile Renouard, President of Campus de la Transition
  • Emmanuel Rozière, University Professor and Director of Sustainable Development at Centrale Nantes
  • Cécile Vacher, Founding Partner, Vertuel
  • Marie Vernier, General Delegate of the Laboratoire de l'ESS

Students Sustainability Committee

Challenge RSE - séminaire Inter Mastère Spécialisé

The purpose of this committee is to ensure that the actions taken reflect the aspirations of all students. It gathers and expresses students' perspectives and expectations so that their voices are integrated into the CSR/Gaïa strategy. It proposes strategic orientations, based on the concerns and suggestions of the student community. Finally, it encourages and facilitates student involvement in CSR/Gaïa projects, creating opportunities for participation and valuing individual contributions.

Our partners

CSR reports

Audencia - Governance and strategy

For Audencia, corporate social responsibility is a desire, a reality, a daily routine. 
For the school, this social and environmental commitment is a real lever for innovation and economic performance.

Audencia implements it in all areas, so that it is integrated into the educational programs, campus life and partnerships.