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Governance and Strategy
As a pioneering CSR school, Audencia has placed environmental and social transition at the heart of its strategy. In order to identify its priorities, define its objectives and monitor its action plans, the school works closely with its various stakeholders and has surrounded itself with three entities: a strategic committee, a scientific committee and a student committee. This governance provides management with a cross-functional vision at the crossroads of the challenges of tomorrow's ecological and social transition and the expectations of all its stakeholders.
Strategic Sustainability Committee
Made up of faculty members and administrative staff with expertise in the challenges of ecological and social transition. The aim of this committee is to ensure alignment between teaching, research, employee initiatives and the coherence of CSR/Gaïa projects. It also proposes strategic CSR orientations to the school's CODIR and ensures that the defined objectives are achieved, and that the strategy is integrated into the carbon emissions reduction trajectory.
The committee meets 3 times a year.
Scientific Sustainability Committee
Made up of external members, this scientific council identifies prospective themes on transition issues. It suggests areas that Audencia should explore in the field of SD&RS, and invites reflection on how Audencia / Gaïa should position transition issues, and with what resources and skills.
The council meets once a year.
Scientific Sustainability Committee members:
- Matthieu Cathelinais, Director of Sustainable Finance CETIH
- Dominique Gilsanz, Director of HR Transformation, Commitment and Diversity, Groupe VYV
- Pascal Gries, Independent Nuclear Physician
- Lydie Lescarmotier, Glaciologist and Director of Antarctic-related actions at the NGO International Cryosphere Climate Initiative
- Valérie Martin, Head of Mobilisation Citoyenne et Médias at Ademe
- Vinciane Martin, Employment & Training Coordinator, The Shift Project
- Michel Nicolas, Director of Responsible Economic Development, Employment, Innovation, Europe and International, Nantes Métropole
- Cécile Renouard, President of Campus de la Transition
- Emmanuel Rozière, University Professor and Director of Sustainable Development at Centrale Nantes
- Cécile Vacher, Founding Partner, Vertuel
- Marie Vernier, General Delegate of the Laboratoire de l'ESS
Students Sustainability Committee

The purpose of this committee is to ensure that the actions taken reflect the aspirations of all students. It gathers and expresses students' perspectives and expectations so that their voices are integrated into the CSR/Gaïa strategy. It proposes strategic orientations, based on the concerns and suggestions of the student community. Finally, it encourages and facilitates student involvement in CSR/Gaïa projects, creating opportunities for participation and valuing individual contributions.
Our partners
In 2004, Audencia became the first higher education institution in France to join the United Nations Global Compact. Since then, our school has been committed to promoting the Global Compact's 10 principles relating to respect for human rights, international labor standards, the environment and the fight against corruption, as well as its 17 Sustainable Development Goals. It regularly participates in meetings of this network, both in France and internationally.
In 2007, Audencia participated in the definition of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Management (PRME), the equivalent of the Global Compact for business schools. Since then, our school has been committed to respecting these 6 principles in research, teaching and stakeholder dialogue. In 2013, Audencia became a "PRME Champion", committing to work with 30 other business schools around the world to integrate the Sustainable Development Goals at the heart of our research and teaching. Our school is also involved in the France-Benelux chapter of PRME.
From 2019, Audencia and the WWF France have again renewed their partnership for three years to pursue their ambition to integrate sustainable development into their business, through three projects:
● Audencia is committed to developing innovative teaching content and methods to ensure greater integration of societal issues into all its teaching programs. The ultimate goal is to integrate these issues operationally into all business areas.
● Audencia and WWF are interested in cross-fertilizing expertise to assist professors with new research projects
● Audencia and WWF France are working together to reduce the school's ecological footprint, involving staff, students and Audencia's partners. This long-term collaboration, which began in 2010, has enabled projects to be launched both for the concrete integration of social responsibility themes into courses and for raising awareness among the school's various stakeholders.
Proposed by the organization Agefiph and the Pays de la Loire Region, the Charter for the reception of learners with disabilities is the result of the need expressed by professionals accompanying people with disabilities to get to know each other and to coordinate their efforts in order to achieve a real evolution in their practices. The Charter brings together a network of stakeholders and formalizes their commitment to adapting the way in which all learners with disabilities are received in training centers as well as the guidance and support structures in the Pays de la Loire. By becoming a signatory to this charter, Audencia reaffirms its commitment to encouraging young people with disabilities to pursue higher education by providing them with the support and adaptations they need both in their schooling and in building their careers.
Launched in 2013 by the Autre Cercle (Other Circle) and Accenture, the LGBT Charter encourages companies to include the topics of sexual orientation and gender identity as part of their diversity policies. Based on 15 articles, the charter emphasizes an inclusive work environment, equal rights and treatment, support for employees who are victims of discriminatory comments or acts, and the need for a continuous improvement approach. In 2015, Audencia became the first higher education institution in France to sign the LGBT Charter. Although the texts did not directly involve students, Audencia wanted to involve them in the process from the beginning. In September 2021, we were asked by Autre Cercle to revise our action plan as part of the implementation of the LGBT+ commitment charter for higher education.
Learn more about the LGBT policy
CSR reports

For Audencia, corporate social responsibility is a desire, a reality, a daily routine.
For the school, this social and environmental commitment is a real lever for innovation and economic performance.
Audencia implements it in all areas, so that it is integrated into the educational programs, campus life and partnerships.