1-Year MSc in Business Strategy & Consulting

Get ready for a career in consulting and strategic management.

1-Year MSc in Business Strategy & Consulting

Applications are now only possible in Nantes for the start of the 2024 academic year, as all places on the Paris campus have been filled. This MSc remains available in a 2-year format.

Discover our program

Are you willing to implement impactful changes by tackling strategic challenges? 

Are you motivated by mixing analytical and creative approaches, by developing a broad view of organisations while understanding specifics, by being a game changer for a more sustainable world? 

The MSc Business Strategy & Consulting will develop your expertise into strategic management and consulting as well as your critical thinking, relational, creative thinking, business management and leadership skills. You will be ready to evolve in a demanding environment to serve international clients.

Parcoursup : Procédure de confirmation d'admission
Apply Now

Submit your application directly on our dedicated platform.

  • Rhythm:
    Full time
  • Total duration:
    14 months maximum
  • Degree:
    Master of science - Grade Master, Visé BAC+5
  • Language(s):
  • Format:
    In person
  • Campus:
    Audencia Atlantic Campus - Nantes, Paris Campus - Paris
  • Start Date:
  • Number of places:
  • VAE accessible:
  • Entry level:
  • Duration of internship / Work experience:
    4-6 months
  • Training schedule:
    The 1-year MSc program offers a total of 408 hours of training
Satisfaction Rate
Annual Average Salary
Average Promotion Age

Program Benefits

  • The pedagogical team is composed of experienced professionals chosen for their ability to train you in the various facets and ethical issues of the consulting profession.
  • The multidisciplinary pedagogy allows you to design and implement innovative solutions to meet the challenges faced by your future customers.
  • The diversity of students' profiles and experiences (manager, engineer, lawyer, international, etc.) is an important source of enrichment, particularly during group work.
  • Audencia unique expertise makes it possible to address the major ecological, social and technological transitions.

A word from the director