visuel illustratif du MSC Cultural & arts management

1-Year MSc in Cultural & Arts Management

Gain experience in arts management or audiovisual production management.

1-Year MSc in Cultural & Arts Management

The Program

The MSc in Cultural & Arts Management aims to prepare passionate, versatile, autonomous and open-minded managers for management careers in the creative and artistic sector: public or private arts organizations, performing arts, visual arts and creative industries, with an understanding of the sector's diverse challenges and opportunities.

The program is organized around three areas of expertise skills:

  • Understanding the challenges and of the sector
  • Management and administration applied to the field of art and culture

List of courses

Here are just a few examples of the modules taught in the MSc in Cultural & Arts Management:

  • Political Economy of Culture and the Cultural Industries
  • Social Impact of Activities: Social and Climate Justice
  • Culture and Territories
  • Financial and Cultural Project Management
  • Culture and Law
  • Marketing Strategy in the Cultural Industries
  • Artists or managers? Cultural Labor Management
  • Cultural Projects
  • Policy, Actors and Audiences in the Cultural and Creative Industries

Track 1

  • International Seminars on Art and Culture
  • Fundraising and Financing Culture
  • Publishing
  • Museums and Cultural Heritage
  • Visual and Performing Arts

Track 2

  • International Art and Culture (Seminars)
  • Financial Management of Projects and Organizations in the Audiovisual Industry
  • Production in the Audiovisual Industry
  • Post-production : Distribution
  • Actors and Professions in the Audiovisual Industry

Pedagogical methods

The program is based on alternating theoretical and practical sequences (face-to-face or distance learning) using business simulations, case studies and interactive lessons.

Assessment Terms

Continuous monitoring, Examens sur table, Final dissertation

Teaching methods

  • Theoretical Courses 
  • Case Studies
  • Practical Exercises
  • Group Projects