2-Year MSc in Food and Agribusiness Management

Discover our program

The Agri-Food Industries (IAA) are the leading industrial sector in France in terms of employment and revenue, with 98% of SMEs in a wide range of activities, and renowned multinationals. It's a useful, dynamic, innovative and value-creating sector, but one that must face up to the challenges of environmental responsibility (impact of agricultural activities and food sovereignty, food waste and malnutrition, competitiveness and organic or GMO products, etc.).

The Master of Science in Food and Agribusiness Management (MSc FAM) covers the major disciplines of management science applied to the agribusiness sector. The program provides tomorrow's leaders with the tools and thinking they need to innovatively and responsibly address the challenges of the future, such as feeding a growing population at a time when natural resources are at risk.

The MSc FAM is unique:
  1. A high level of cultural and academic diversity among students: you'll enrich each other's lives, and learn to work with people from different backgrounds,
  2. An unforgettable 2-month experience at a partner school in Brazil, giving you an insight into the challenges facing the food industry in Brazil and South America in general.,
  3. A business-oriented teaching approach prepares you pragmatically for the world of work; your professional network goes global.

At the end of the course, you will receive a Master of Science in Food & Agribusiness Management diploma awarded by the Audencia Business School in France, and the Master in Business Administration em Gestão de Agronegócios certificate, awarded by the FECAP Business School in Brazil.
Parcoursup : Procédure de confirmation d'admission
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Satisfaction Rate for MSc FAM students
Average Promotion Age
  • Rhythm:
    Full time
  • Total duration:
    26 months
  • Degree:
    Master of science - Grade Master, Visé BAC+5
  • Language(s):
  • Format:
  • Campus:
    Audencia Atlantic Campus - Nantes, São Paulo Campus - São Paulo
  • Start Date:
  • Number of places:
  • VAE accessible:
  • Entry level:
  • Duration of internship / Work experience:
    4-6 months
  • Training schedule:
    The 2-year MSc program offers a total of 465 hours of training

Program Benefits

  • Diverse cultural and academic backgrounds (students from all continents, 50% of whom are engineers and scientists),
  • An MSc degree + an MBA certificate,
  • Studies in France and Brazil, two world leaders in the food industry,
  • A program applied to the field,
  • Small classes that bring together motivated students,
  • Strong emphasis on soft skills and emotional intelligence

A word from the Program Director

Accessibility for the Disabled

In line with its three founding values - Innovation, Collaboration and Responsibility - Audencia's social policy places the fight against all forms of discrimination related to age, gender, origin, disability or any other personal characteristic at the heart of its policy and encourages the integration of learners regardless of these attributes.

In particular, Audencia is committed to meeting accessibility standards for people with disabilities in all our locations and to offering specially adapted training courses. For more information, please see our Disability Policy.

Contact us, in complete confidentiality, so that together we can find a personalized solution: disability@audencia.com