1-Year MSc in Management for Sustainable Business

Shaping proactive, forward-thinking professionals to put sustainability at the heart of business.

1-Year MSc in Management for Sustainable Business

Your future degree

  • Degree recognition: Grade Master, Visé BAC+5
  • RNCP title number: 37936
  • Graduation level: Master of science
  • Number of ECTS credits: 60

Target Skills

  • Developing a holistic, systems thinking approach to evaluate business strategy in relation to its context and impact on surrounding social and ecological systems.
  • Applying critical thinking to innovations and initiatives in order to identify their potential and limitations.
  • Identifying ways to engage different stakeholders in strategy and decision-making
  • Instigating and leading change within the organisation and beyond
  • Assessing carbon footprint
  • Identifying relevant sustainability certification and initiating relevant processes to reach compliance
  • Evaluating different materials and their properties and impacts on waste, the environment and consumer behaviour in the context of a circular economy
  • Identifying and evaluating discrimination and developing and implementing inclusive strategies
  • Acting in collaboration with others to achieve sustainable development