DBA Paris

DBA Audencia suits busy executives, merging experience with advanced management studies efficiently.

Target Skills

  • Advanced Research and Methodology: DBA students acquire advanced research skills, including mastery of data collection methods, quantitative and qualitative analysis, and the ability to conduct high-level academic research.
  • Management and Leadership Expertise: The program aims to develop a deep understanding of organizational management, including organizational theory, strategic management, operations management, and change management.
  • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: DBA students are trained to critically analyze complex business problems and formulate innovative and effective solutions, considering long-term implications for the company.
  • Advanced Communication Skills: The ability to communicate effectively and persuasively, both in writing and orally, is essential for professionals with a DBA. This includes writing research articles, presenting research work at academic conferences, and communicating with diverse audiences, including other researchers, practitioners, and decision-makers.
  • Human Resource Management Knowledge: Skills in human resource management are essential for understanding team and individual dynamics within organizations, as well as for promoting effective and ethical leadership.
  • In-depth Understanding of the Global Business Context: DBA students develop a deep understanding of the global economy, international business practices, as well as issues and opportunities related to the globalization of businesses.
  • Strategic Thinking and Innovation: DBA graduates are trained to adopt a strategic approach to business management, identifying innovation and growth opportunities, and developing tailored strategies to achieve organizational objectives.
  • Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility: DBA students are made aware of the complex ethical issues faced by contemporary businesses, as well as the growing importance of corporate social responsibility and sustainability.