Executive MBA

Discover our program

A high-level general management programme for the second half of your career!

Organisations are evolving in an environment characterised by complexity, turbulence and uncertainty, where decision-makers need to develop, strengthen and adapt individual and collective skills to foster the necessary agility, flexibility and adaptability.

Audencia's mission is perfectly aligned with this major trend. It aims to help talented individuals become trailblazers for change and creators of sustainable performance.

Our Executive MBA follows the same path and aims to achieve a single objective: to train innovative leaders with a disruptive approach in order to identify differentiating growth levers.

It explores the different areas of general management in order to develop a systemic understanding of companies so as to build a clear and shared vision, stay the course and guide actions to evolve in a changing environment.

The Executive MBA is the ideal course if you want to : 

  • Support the company's current and future development and transformation.
  • Broaden your global vision of how the company operates.
  • Add: Contribute to strategic decisions / be able to challenge and justify choices.
  • Understand all the company's disciplines and link them together.
  • Acquire the logic, concepts, vocabulary and perspective of management.
  • Develop your ability to understand, analyse, resolve problems, make recommendations and take decisions. 
  • Change your posture/image and reassure yourself of your ability to lead.
  • Boost your leadership skills and inspire your teams.
  • Share your experiences and compare your points of view within a heterogeneous group.
  • Enrich your knowledge.
logo du aacsb
logo du equis accreditation
Satisfaction score for the class of 2022/2023
success rate for the class of 2022/2023
  • Rhythm:
  • Entry level:
    3 ans d'expérience, BAC +3, BAC +4
  • Total duration:
    74 days spread over 18 to 36 months, 2 to 3 days per month (including the strategic project)
  • Degree:
    MBA -
  • Language(s):
    English, French
  • Training schedule:
    518 hours spread over 18 to 36 months, 2 to 3 days per month (including strategic project)
  • Number of places:
  • Type of training:

Upcoming sessions

  • Start Date:
  • Tuition fees:
    40 000,00 €
  • Campus:
    Audencia Atlantic Campus, Nantes
  • Format:

Program Benefits


  • Give your leadership and impact a real boost
  • Develop your ability to understand, analyse, resolve and recommend, and make it easier to take decisions
  • Gain in confidence, legitimacy and adaptability


  • Broaden your cross-functional and enhanced vision of how the company works
  • Strengthen your management fundamentals with new approaches
  • Master the fundamentals of change management
  • Understand digital transformation and turn it into a lever for performance and opportunities
  • Develop your international business vision

Participant profile

1) Type of organisation :

  • 35% ETI
  • 27% SMES
  • 23% Large companies
  • 15% VSE

2) Level of qualification :

  • 62% Bac +5 and above
  • 18% Bac+4
  • 11% Bac+3
  • 9% Bac+2

Average age: 41

Professional experience: 17 years

Executive MBA

Target Skills

The common thread running through your programme and your future skills :

Developing and implementing a responsible strategy for an operational unit (a company or a corporate entity)

Steering and managing the human resources of an operational unit by integrating a global responsibility approach

Define and implement the responsible marketing and sales strategy for the business unit

Manage the business unit's financial and non-financial performance

Coordinate an innovative and responsible value chain for the business unit

Pedagogical methods

The programme is based on alternating theoretical and practical sessions. Each topic will be discussed with your peers and with the teachers and lecturers. These exchanges will enable you to grasp the theory effectively and broaden your vision of your profession and the company.

The teaching methods are participative and experiential, i.e. geared towards practical application and skills development. A wide variety of learning methods are used: e-learning, role-playing, simulations, case studies, group work, etc.

Strategic project

A real ROI, this memoir is an opportunity for you to :

Make the link between what you learn and your own challenges.

Provide concrete answers to a professional problem.

The individual strategic project will be 100% linked to your professional activities. The company will be actively involved, and the results of your in-depth analysis of a strategic issue will have a tangible impact.

It can also be linked to a personal objective: partnership with a company, consolidation of a business start-up or takeover project.

You will benefit from the expertise of an Audencia tutor who will follow you throughout the project.

In addition to individual tutoring, project management training and group coaching will be provided to each participant to help them bring their project to fruition (5 days).

Assessment Terms

Evaluation écrite, Group work

Executive MBA

Admission criteria

Hold a BAC+4 diploma or RNCP level 6 certification. 

Proof of a minimum of 3 years' professional experience demonstrating the implementation of operational managerial experience (hierarchical/functional/project).

Possibility of Validation of Professional Experience (additional file) for people who do not have this level of diploma. 

Admission period

Up to 10 days before the course start date

Equivalences and Bridges

Bridges to university and to other business schools are possible (rare but possible). Equivalences are examined by the institutions that receive the application for admission.

Admission terms

Admission process :

Preamble: preliminary interviews with the recruitment manager.

STEP 1 - online submission of application with the following documents:

  • A curriculum vitae
  • A letter of motivation
  • A copy of your qualifications
  • Proof of employment
  • A colour copy of your passport
  • A photo
  • Two letters of recommendation

Your TOEFL, TOEIC or BULATS test score within the last 2 years. If not, you will take the Duolingo English Test.

STEP 2 - Selection panel :

This jury takes place at an Audencia site. You will have a one-on-one interview with the Director of MBA Programmes and an Executive MBA graduate, during which you will describe your career path, your motivations and your educational project.=

STEP 3 - Final decision:

The jury makes its decision (admission or rejection of your application) within a week.

Executive MBA

Job opportunities

This training course will enable you to prepare for the 2nd half of your career, acquire a management perspective and change your posture/image:

  • General management
  • Deputy General Management
  • Regional management
  • Business unit management
  • Subsidiary management
  • Branch management
  • Unit Management
  • Plant management
  • Founder
  • Chairman
  • Director
  • Manager
  • Entrepreneur

Evolutionary path

Once you've obtained your diploma, and to round off your career with a complementary approach, we can offer you: the certificate of Administrator of a medium-sized company.

France Compétences job referral

To find out more about the jobs, as well as the overall insertion rate into employment and the insertion rate into the target job(s), See France Compétences website.

Executive MBA

Le Learning Trip : immersion dans les firmes internationales pour un voyage d'apprentissage

Grâce à nos partenariats académiques et l’ouverture de notre programme Executive MBA à l’international, nos participants ont l’opportunité de découvrir des écosystèmes innovants. 

Le learning trip est un condensé de l’expérience Executive MBA. Il combine des moments de partage en collectif, d’apprentissage auprès d’experts, et de découverte sur de nouvelles cultures et sur soi. Il permet de sortir de sa zone de confort, de s’ouvrir à d’autres manières de penser, de percevoir et de questionner ses certitudes. Les rapports qui y sont liées incitent à passer à l’action pour que le voyage puisse avoir un réel impact sur les participants et contribuer à la transformation professionnelle et personnelle.

Et si vous vous immergiez dans un milieu différent ? Pour penser puis construire l’entreprise de demain.


Où ?

Une destination en Europe accessible en train. 


Durée ?

Pendant 5 jours pour une immersion totale sans casser votre rythme de travail.


Quand ?

En novembre de chaque année.

Destinations précédentes

"C’est avant tout une expérience humaine pour nos participants qui rencontrent des professionnels internationaux, visitent des multinationales et partagent des coutumes locales. Ce voyage est le moment propice de l’année pour construire une véritable communauté."

Laura Godet - Responsable Qualité et chargée des Learning Trips

Accessibility for the Disabled

In line with its three founding values - Innovation, Collaboration and Responsibility - Audencia's social policy places the fight against all forms of discrimination related to age, gender, origin, disability or any other personal characteristic at the heart of its policy and encourages the integration of learners regardless of these attributes.

In particular, Audencia is committed to meeting accessibility standards for people with disabilities in all our locations and to offering specially adapted training courses. For more information, please see our Disability Policy.

Contact us, in complete confidentiality, so that together we can find a personalized solution: disability@audencia.com