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PhD, Sciences de Gestion
University of Salford, Salford
Brookes, T., Nikolopoulos, K., LITSIOU, K., Alghassab, W. (2024). Forecasting and planning for special events in the pulp and paper supply chains. Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal, 1-18.
Vangumalli, D. R., Nikolopoulos, K., LITSIOU, K. (2021). Aggregate Selection, Individual Selection, and Cluster Selection: An Empirical Evaluation and Implications for Systems Research. Cybernetics and Systems, 52 (7), 553-578.
Katsagounos, I., Thomakos, D. D., LITSIOU, K., Nikolopoulos, K. (2021). Superforecasting reality check: Evidence from a small pool of experts and expedited identification. European Journal of Operational Research, 289 (1), 107-117.