MOREL, C., LE PENDEVEN, B., LEBOEUF, G. (2024). Are reward-based crowdfunding platforms fostering cultural democracy? Conférence de l'Association Internationale du Marketing des Arts et de la Culture AIMAC.
MOREL, C., STERVINOU, S. (2023). Repenser la coopérative et en repousser les limites : l'exemple des coopérateurs des Industries Culturelles et Créatives. GESS / Workshop ROR.
LE PENDEVEN, B., MOREL, C., LEBOEUF, G. (2022). Does the digitalization of entrepreneurial finance democratize entrepreneurship?. AFFI Conference.
MOREL, C. (2021). From simulation to dissimulation: how How to develop critical thinking amongst students through the use of fiction. the artist-led Affincity fiction.
LE PENDEVEN, B., MOREL, C., LEBOEUF, G. (2021). Does the digitalization of entrepreneurial finance democratize entrepreneurship?. 5th ENTFIN Conference.
MOREL, C., RYAN, A., DEVERELL, A., LOUCHE, C., GOODMAN, J., HERMES, J., ... O'DOWD, R. (2021). Challenge-based Virtual Mobility to address the Sustainable Development Goals: Introducing EULab.
JOHNSON, M. P., MOREL, C., SMITH , M. (2020). Amplifying Stories of Untapped Value in Regional Creative Ecologies. A comparative analysis. dans Creative and Cultural Ecologies in European Urban and Regional Development, King's College London and Nesta London (Eds.).
MAIRESSE, P., MOREL, C., RYAN, A. (2020). Creative social interactions as dis-placement in liminality: a study of a creative network.. Cross sector social interactions.
MAIRESSE, P., & MOREL, C. (2018). Managing the relation between routines and creativity., British Academy of Management.
KNIGHT, H., RYAN, A., MOREL, C. (2018). Value co-creation in arts and business collaborations: integrating the end beneficiary voice., 17th International Arts, Heritage, Nonprofit and Social Marketing Colloquium.
RYAN , A., MOREL, C., & LUONILA, M. (2018). Place, Branding and Cities of Culture: considering the role of business engagement., Partnership 2018, 6th International Symposium on Cross Sector Social Interactions.
MOREL, C., RYAN, A., LUONILA , M., TAHTINEN, J. (2017). Narrating City Futures: on the formation of sponsorship networks and their roles in realising the tourism benefits of hosting mega cultural events., Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality International Conference.
MOREL, C. (2016). The relationships between the new professional corporate collectors and the contemporary art market., Colloque "Art et argent : financement du travail artistique et enjeux socio-esthétiques" la Sorbonne, Centre de recherches sur les arts et le langage (CRAL), CNRS-EHESS.
BILLIER, D., LE RENDU-LIZEE, C., MOREL, C., STERVINOU, S. (2016). Collective entrepreneurship in the French Cultural and Creative Industries: The pros and cons of cooperatives. Institute for Small Business Entrepreneurship Conference (ISBE).
STERVINOU, S., BILLIER, D., LE RENDU-LIZEE, C., MOREL, C. (2016). Collective entrepreneurship in the French Cultural and Creative Industries: The pros and cons of cooperatives. Institute for Small Business Entrepreneurship Conference (ISBE).
BILLIER, D., LE RENDU-LIZEE, C., MOREL, C., STERVINOU, S. (2015). Mutualisation et coopération : oeuvrer autrement dans la culture. Congrès AIMAC (Association Internationale du Management des Arts et de la Culture).
LE RENDU-LIZEE, C., MOREL, C., STERVINOU, S. (2015). Entreprendre dans la culture: expérimentations collectives. Conference AEI 2015 (table ronde).
MOREL, C., GOMBAULT, A., & PECHEUX-LIVAT, F. (2015). Cultural patronage and sponsorship in France: the new pragmatism of cultural organisations., XIIIth International Conference on Arts & Cultural Management (AIMAC).
MOREL, C. (2015). Corporate Support of the Arts in France, A local affair?., 40th Conference of Macromarketing.
MOREL, C., GOMBAULT, A., LIVAT PÉCHEUX, F. (2015). Corporate support of the arts in France; a local affair?., Macro marketing conference.
LIVAT-PECHEUX, F., GOMBAULT, A., & MOREL, C. (2014). Corporate Patronage and Sponsorship of the arts: evidence from French Firms., 18th International Conference on Cultural Economics.
MOREL, C. (2014). Contemporary art fairs: market places and experiential spaces., 47th Academy of Marketing Conference.
MOREL, C. (2008). Whistler while at work. On the role of art collections in corporate identity and HR management., 1st Workshop on Imagining Business.
GIRARD, C., & MOREL, C. (2006). Mécénat et actionnariat : le cas TOTAL., 5ème Congrès International de Gouvernance "Capital humain et capital financier".
GIRARD, C., & MOREL, C. (2006). Individual shareholders’ perceptions of corporate social responsibility as a segmentation tool., Conference of British Academy of Management.
MOREL, C. (2005). Enjeux et limites : le mécénat comme élément de la diplomatie culturelle de l’entreprise ?., Conférence Nationale organisée par le Ministère de la Culture "Mécénat et management : une rencontre insolite".
MOREL, C. (2004). Will businesses ever become legitimate partners in the financing of the arts in France?., 3rd International Conference on Cultural Policy Research.
MOREL, C. (2004). Les entreprises et la culture en France : une affaire d'Etat ?., Colloque Le Parvis "Faut-il avoir peur du financement privé de la culture ? Le mécénat, une opportunité ou un leurre ?".
MOREL, C. (2004). Brand positioning through art event sponsorship: Can a US soft drink multinational successfully position itself as a credible art supporter in France?., 9th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communication (CMC).
MOREL, C. (2004). Animation d'une table ronde : le mécénat est-il à la portée de tous les établissements ?., Forum Ptolémée, Forum pour le développement des musées, sites patrimoniaux et équipements culturels.
MOREL, C. (2003). Can French corporations ever become legitimate cultural partners?., Colloque AUDENCIA Nantes - "Responsabilité globale, un nouveau modèle de régulation de l'entreprise ?".