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Section CV
PhD, Finance
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), Hong Kong
Master of Science, Finance
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), Hong Kong
Expériences professionnelles
Département Finance
Audencia Business School, Nantes, France
Depuis 2020
Assistant Professor
Baptist University, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
2014 - 2020
Visiting Scholar
Pennsylvania State University, State College, Etats-Unis d'Amérique
2014 - 2014
Primary Instructor in several Economic courses
Baptist University, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
2013 - 2020
CHAN, J. M. L., QI, H. (2025). Mergers, Firm Size, and Volatility in a Granular Economy. Review of Economic Dynamics, 55, 101254.
WOO, C. K., QI, H. (2024). Market-based estimation of average electricity outage costs in the United States. Energy Research Letters, 5 (Early View), 1-5.
QI, H., CAO, K. H., WOO, C. K., LI, R., ZARNIKAU, J. (2024). Revenue analysis of spot and forward solar energy sales in Texas. Journal of Energy Markets, 17 (1), 1-38.
WOO, C. K., CAO, K. H., QI, H., ZARNIKAU, J., LI, R. (2024). Price responsiveness of solar and wind capacity demands. Journal of Cleaner Production, 462, 142705.
CAO, K. H., QI, H., WOO, C. K., ZARNIKAU, J., LI, R. (2024). Efficient frontiers for short-term sales of spot and forward wind energy in Texas. Energy Journal, 1-24.
CAO, K. H., QI, H., LI, R., WOO, C. K., TISHLER, A., ZARNIKAU, J. (2023). An experiment in own-price elasticity estimation for non-residential electricity demand in the U.S.. Utilities Policy, 81 (April), 1-14.
WOO, C. K., ZARNIKAU, J., TSAI, C. H., CAO, K. H., QI, H., RAYMOND LI, R. (2023). Regional revenues of solar and wind generation in Texas. Energy Policy, 178 (July 2023), Article N° 113586.
WOO, C. K., CAO, K. H., LI, R., QI, H. (2023). Does Vertical Integration Always Reduce an Electricity Retailer’s Fixed Price Offer?. Energy Research Letters, 4 (september), 1-4.
ZARNIKAU, J., CAO, K. H., QI, H., WOO, C. K. (2023). Has retail competition reduced residential electricity prices in Texas?. Utilities Policy, 84 (October 2023), 101657.
QI, H., CAO, K. H., WOO, C. K., LI, R. (2023). Incremental wind energy development in the Midcontinent electricity markets of the US. Journal of Energy Markets, 16 (2), 29-53.
CAO, K. H., QI, H., TSAI, C. H., WOO, C. K., ZARNIKAU, J. (2022). Energy trading efficiency in ERCOT’s day-ahead and real-time electricity markets. Journal of Energy Markets, 15 (3), 59-81.
CAO, K. H., QI, H., TSAI, C. H., WOO, C. K., ZARNIKAU, J. (2021). Energy Trading Efficiency in the US Midcontinent Electricity Markets. Applied Energy, 302 (15 November 2021), Article N° 117505.
Lai, E. L.-C., Fan, H., QI, H. (2020). Global gains from reduction in trade costs. Economic Theory, 70 (1), 313-345.
Fan, H., Lai, E. L.-C., QI, H. (2019). Trade liberalization and Firms’ export performance in China: Theory and evidence. Journal of Comparative Economics, 47 (3), 640-668.
QI, H., LAI, E. L.-C. (2018) Fragmentation and Product Cycle. MIT Press