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Section CV
PhD, Finance
City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Master of Science, Finance
Université John Hopkins, Washington, DC
Bachelor of Science, Finance
Rutgers University, Newark, NJ
WANG, C., WANG, J., WU, C., ZHANG, Y. (2023). Voluntary disclosure in P2P lending: Information or hyperbole?. Pacific Basin Finance Journal, 79 (2023), 102024.
GONG , X., YE , X., ZHANG , W., ZHANG, Y. (2023). Predicting energy futures high-frequency volatility using technical indicators: The role of interaction. Energy Economics, 119 (2023), 106533.
CHEN , H., ZHANG, Y. (2023). Research on the effect of firm-specific investor sentiment on the idiosyncratic volatility anomaly: Evidence from the Chinese market. Pacific Basin Finance Journal, 81 (2023), 102114.