🌍 Save the Date: International Virtual Open House – April 3rd! Discover our English-taught programs through live webinars, meet program directors, interact with current students, and get personalized answers from our expert teams. Register now!
Section CV
McGill University, Montréal
MSc in Management
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro
BSc in Naval Engineering and Hydrodynamics
Universidade Federal do Rio deJaneiro, Rio de Janeiro
Head of Major - Consulting
Audencia Business School, France
2014 - 2017
Research fellow & external evaluator
University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa
2013 - 2018
McGill University, Montréal, Canada
2010 - 2010
Board Member
Marques de Azevedo Engenharia Ltda, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Since 2006
Insper, São Paulo, Brazil
2003 - 2004
Fundaçao Getulio Vargas, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
2002 - 2004
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro
1999 - 2003
Visiting out
2012 - 2012
MIT Sloan, : Visiting professor
2022 - 2023
McGill University, : Visiting professor (in sabbatical)
AZEVEDO, G. (2024). The Interpretation of Organizational Ontologies. Journal of Management Inquiry, 33 (1), 46-61.
SHYMKO, Y., VERSHININA, N., DASKALAKI, M., AZEVEDO, G., QUENTAL, C. (2024). From the cocoon to la chape de plomb: The birth and persistence of silence around sexism in academia. Gender, Work and Organization, 31 (5), 2113-2137.
AZEVEDO, G. (2023). Into the realm of organizational folly: A poem, a review, and a typology of organizational stupidity. Management Learning, 54 (2), 267-281.
AZEVEDO, G. (2020). Does Organizational Nonsense Make Sense? Laughing and Learning From French Corporate Cultures. Journal of Management Inquiry, 29 (4), 385-403.
AZEVEDO, G., CARNEIRO, J., RODRIGUEZ, C., GONZALEZ-PEREZ, M. A. (2020). Rebalancing society: Learning from the experience of Latin American progressive leaders. Journal of Business Research, 119 (October 2020), 511-521.
AZEVEDO, G., GATES, Andrew (2019). Wake Up! The World Is Out of Balance and If You Do Nothing You Are Part of the Problem: An Interview With Henry Mintzberg. Journal of Management Inquiry, 28 (2), 180-186.
AZEVEDO, G. (2018) The Imaginary Empire: Portugal between two globalizations Cambridge Institutes Press
AZEVEDO, G., SHYMKO, Y., QUENTAL, C., LOUCHE, C., VÖGTLIN, C., AVETISYAN, E., GOODMAN, J., RUFFIN, N. (2021) The Seed(zine) Breaking boundaries, , 284-310
AZEVEDO, G., ZHAO, X. (2022). Huawei and the invisible hand of Mao Zedong. Can a defunct national leader shape the strategy of a contemporary global company?. Administrative Sciences Association of Canada.
AZEVEDO, G., ZHAO, X. (2022). Huawei and the invisible hand of Mao Zedong. Can a defunct national leader shape the corporate culture of a contemporary MNC?. EURAM.
AZEVEDO, G., LOUCHE, C., LITRICO, J.-B., NILSSON, W. (2022). Organizing human healing. Tales of liminality, subversion, and conflicting temporalities. Administrative Sciences Association of Canada.
AZEVEDO, G., QUENTAL, C. (2021). Racial injustices and attitudes towards affirmative action in different Americas. a historical, comparative analysis of the United States and Brazil. Academy of Management Conference (AoM).
AZEVEDO, G. (2020). Organizing the global refugee and migration movements: protecting the dispossessed and promoting solidarity. Edinburgh: European Group for Organizational Studies.
AZEVEDO, G. (2019). National histories producing cultural symbolisms: the case of the Portuguese thalassocratic enterprise. Lisbon: European Academy of Management.
AZEVEDO, G. (2019). Cultural theorizations in business history: how histories shape cultures and vice versa. Academy of Management Conference.
AZEVEDO, G., QUENTAL, C. (2019). Brazil is not for beginners: The complications of a semi-Western case of racial inclusion. Edinburgh: European Group for Organizational Studies.
AZEVEDO, G., QUENTAL, C. (2019). Brazil is not for beginners: how to tell black from white when history produces entangled racial myths? (Best division paper award). Administrative Sciences Association of Canada.
AZEVEDO, G., QUENTAL, C. (2019). Brazil is not for beginners: The complications of a semi-western case of racial inclusion.. Milton Keynes: 11th International Critical Management Studies Conference.
AZEVEDO, G. (2018). We don’t live in territories anymore, we live in times. How co-temporalities can help solving complex environmental and social problems. (Awarded best conference paper.). Sustainability, Ethics, and Entrepreneurship Conference.
AZEVEDO, G. (2018). When histories produce enduring symbolisms: the case of the Portuguese thalassocratic enterprise. Administrative Sciences Association of Canada.
AZEVEDO, G. (2018). Ethical limits of the circular economy: nature’s lessons for a community-centered model of socio-industrial design. Kyoto: Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics.
AZEVEDO, G. (2018). We don’t live in territories anymore, we live in times. How co-temporalities can help to unblock global socio-economic development gridlocks. Kyoto: Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics.
AZEVEDO, G. (2017). Beyond circular economy: nature’s lessons on a holistic socio-industrial design. Sustainability, Ethics, and Entrepreneurship Conference.
AZEVEDO, G. (2017). Why is history ignored by those who study cultures? An essay on how histories shape cultures and vice versa. (Best division paper award). Administrative Sciences Association of Canada.
AZEVEDO, G. (2017). Making sense of the nonsense of international cultures: laughing and learning from the case of French corporations. Glasgow: European Academy of Management.
AZEVEDO, G. (2017). On the historical construction and the present heritage of a Portuguese thalassocratic mythology. Lisbon: CHAM International conference.
AZEVEDO, G. (2016). From a cultural narrative of co-territoriality to one of co-temporality: The construction of cooperation, preservation, and peace in the next millennium. Budapest: Degrowth International Conference.
AZEVEDO, G. (2015). Undesirable overflows and socio-industrial design., ASAC (Administrative Sciences Association of Canada) Annual Conference.
AZEVEDO, G. (2015). The international spread of management cultures., 6th EURAM Early Career Colloquium.
AZEVEDO, G. (2015). The cultural hybridization of organizations., 12th JIBS (Journal of International Business studies) Paper Development Workshop, AIB 2015 Annual Meeting.
AZEVEDO, G. (2015). The autopoiesis of spreading management cultures., at ASAC (Administrative Sciences Association of Canada) Annual Conference.
AZEVEDO, G. (2015). Symbolic relocalizations: how cultural flows transform unbounded cultures., FROG (French Research on Organizations Group) Research Meeting.
AZEVEDO, G. (2015). Managing overflows by design: the path towards holism and some other ecosystem evolutionary coincidences., 31st EGOS (European Group of organizational studies) Colloquium.
AZEVEDO, G. (2014). The international spread of management cultures., AIB 2014 Annual Meeting.
AZEVEDO, G. (2014). The cultural hybridization of organizations., 14th Annual Conference EURAM.
AVETISYAN, E., AZEVEDO, G., DEBUCQUET, G., GOODMAN, J., LOUCHE, C., VÖGTLIN, C. (2022). Grand sustainability challenge: reinforcing the social and environmental resilience of cities. PRME Champions Project
Press articles
AZEVEDO, G. (2023). We need to share the load. TRANSFORM, Opinion feature (Feb/Mar), 31.
AZEVEDO, G. (2023). Inequality: the root cause of global warming. IEMA Transforming the world to sustainability, Feburary / March.
AZEVEDO, G., WATINE, C. (2020). Le management interculturel en questions. Monde des Grandes Ecoles et Universités
AZEVEDO, G. (2019). HR Management in times of Brexit. HR Director Magazine, (Sept. 2019), 44-45.
AZEVEDO, Guilherme (2017). Are immigration concerns damaging the global economy?. www.finance-monthly.com
AZEVEDO, Guilherme (2015). Por que as lições de Lemann e seus sócios são valiosas para sua empresa. Diario do Commercio (Brazil)
Scientific activities
Reviewer for an academic journal
Reviewer for Management Learning,
Reviewer for Culture and Organization,
Awards and honors
Best paper awarded at the Gender & Diversity in Organizations division of the 47th ASAC Annual Conference, 2019
Best conference paper awarded at the 7th SEE Conference, 2018
Best paper awarded at the Business History division of the 45th ASAC Annual Conference, 2017
Awarded the "Prix de l'innovation pedagogique 2016" at Audencia, 2016
Doctoral supervision
Since 2018, Laurie Ann Underwood : Giving voice: The influence of instant messaging apps on the contribution of Chinese and Japanese professionals to business meetings, Grenoble École de Management, France
Since 2019, C. LIU : Internationalization Strategy in Emerging Market Multinational Enterprises: Evidence from Chinese Firms, Grenoble École de Management, France
Since 2017, Sinqobile Ndlovu : Circumstantial social entrepreneurship: Exploring inclusive, social innovation in the transition from shadow to mainstream economic spaces. A case study of informal sector recycling activities in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Since 2022, B. NGAKANE : Impact investing potential for micro-property developers in the townships of Cape Town, South Africa., ,