Section CV
Université de Genève, Genève
Master in Management
EDHEC Business School, Lille
Head of Department - Marketing
Audencia Business School, Nantes, France
2021 - 2022
Head of Pedagogy - Marketing department
Audencia Business School, France
2016 - 2022
Head of Major, Marketing Department
Audencia Business School, France
2011 - 2016
Joint-Head of the Major "Marketing for Product"
Audencia Business School, France
2011 - 2016
Post-doctorate researcher
EDHEC Business School, Genève
2010 - 2011
Lecturer MSc Marketing "Strategies fo disruptive innovation"
EDHEC Business School
2006 - 2010
Lecturer Business Master "Consumer behavior"
Université de Genève, Genève
2006 - 2010
Assistant for research and pedagogy in marketing
Université de Genève, Genève
2005 - 2010
Programme Coordinator, Marketing Strategy, E-commerce and Communication
Université de Genève
2005 - 2007
Account manager
Beijaflore Center, Conseil en management, Paris, France
2001 - 2003
Account manager
Capgemini, Paris, France
1997 - 2001
Marketing & Communication manager
Capgemini, Montpellier, France
1996 - 1997
Visiting out
ESC Chambéry Savoie, France : Visiting Professor - Master "Consumption Experience"
QUENTAL, C., ROJAS GAVIRIA, P. X., DEL BUCCHIA, C. (2023). The dialectic of menopause zest: Breaking the mould of organizational irrelevance. Gender, Work and Organization, 30 (5), 1816-1838.
QUENTAL, C., ROJAS GAVIRIA, P. X., DEL BUCCHIA, C. (2023). The dialectic of (menopause) zest: Breaking the mold of organizational irrelevance. Gender, Work and Organization, 30 (5), 1816-1838.
DEL BUCCHIA, C., LANCELOT MILTGEN, C., RUSSELL, C., BURLAT, C. (2021). Empowerment as Latent Vulnerability in Techno-Mediated Consumption Journeys. Journal of Business Research, 124 (January 2021), 629-651.
DEL BUCCHIA, C., MOLANDER, S., PENALOZA, L. (2020). ‘We've decided it all together’: How mothers empower themselves in collaboration with their children. Advances in Consumer Research, 47, 367-371.
ROJAS GAVIRIA, P. X., DEL BUCCHIA, C., QUENTAL, C. (2020). The Foreigner Within Us’: Catharsis Amid Horror and Confusion in Menopause. Advances in Consumer Research, 48, 1106-1111.
DEL BUCCHIA, C., LANCELOT MILTGEN, C., RUSSEL, C, BURLAT, C. (2018). Exploring consumers' technology dreams and nightmares: A collage elicitation study. Advances in Consumer Research, 46 (-), 491-492.
DEL BUCCHIA, Céline, PENALOZA, Lisa (2016). 'No, I won’t eat that!' Parental self-transformation in clashes of role enactment and children’s will. Journal of Business Research, 69 (1), 145-154.
GUILLARD, Valérie, DEL BUCCHIA, Céline (2012). When Online Recycling Enables Givers to Escape the Tensions of the Gift Economy. Research in Consumer Behavior, 14, 47-65.
GUILLARD, Valérie, DEL BUCCHIA, Céline (2012). How about giving my things away over the Internet? When Internet makes it easier to give things away. Advances in Consumer Research, 40, 630-631.
STIMEC, A., DEL BUCCHIA, C., DEREPPE, A., MARIENVAL, B. (2024). Comment les écosystèmes de transition socio-écologique contribuent-ils à remodeler les masculinités des entrepreneurs ?. 19ème congrès du RIOOD, Bruxelles, 26-28 Sept 2024.
STIMEC, A., DEL BUCCHIA, C., MAILLET, J. (2023). Raconte-moi comment tu as basculé…. Le cas des organisations Fresque du climat et La Bascule et leur rôle tremplin pour des porteurs de projets engagés dans la transition écologique et sociale.. 18ème congrès du RIODD, Lille 17-19octobre 2023.
DEL BUCCHIA, C., QUENTAL, C., ROJAS GAVIRIA, P. X. (2023). The dialectic of (menopause) zest: Breaking the mould of organizational irrelevance for a Good. Egos.
QUENTAL, C., ROJAS GAVIRIA, P. X., DEL BUCCHIA, C. (2023). The dialectic of (menopause) zest. Breaking the mould of organizational irrelevance for a good life. dans EGOS (Ed.), EGOS.
DEL BUCCHIA, C. (2020). Shining A Light on Female Power: Women’s Experiences of Transcending Aging. Advances in Consumer Research.
LANCELOT MILTGEN, C., DEL BUCCHIA, C., RUSSEL, C., BURLAT, C. (2018). Exploring Consumers’ Technology Dreams and Nightmares: A Collage-Elicitation Study. Association for Consumer Research Conference.
DEL BUCCHIA, C., & PENALOZA, L. (2016). Mothers’ tales of family dinners: insights into how consumption changes roles., 13th Gender, Marketing, and Consumer Research conference.
DEL BUCCHIA, C. (2015). No, I won’t eat that”: parents’ self-transformation in the face of role expectations and children’s will., 8th Workshop on Interpretive Consumer Research.
DEL BUCCHIA, C., & PENALOZA, L. (2013). Parents as Domesticators and Domesticated: Negotiation of practices and meanings in family meals., 8th Consumer Culture Theory Conference.
DEL BUCCHIA, C. (2012). Et si je donnais mes objets via Internet ? Quand Internet facilite le don d’objets., Séminaire de Recherche "Les jeudis de la Recherche".
DEL BUCCHIA, C., GUILLARD, V., & DELACROIX, E. (2012). Quand les individus ont recours à de nouveaux modes de circulation des objets d'occasion., 28ème Congrès International de l’Association Française du Marketing (AFM).
DEL BUCCHIA, C., GUILLARD, V., & DELACROIX, E. (2012). How about giving my things away over the Internet? When Internet makes it easier to give things away., 7th Consumer Culture Theory Conference.
ROUX, M., DEL BUCCHIA, C. (2021). Lancement d’une basket responsable. Quel positionnement efficace sur le marché durable ?. CCMP
DEL BUCCHIA, C., LAUNOIS, A., VACHERET, Eliane, BORDAS, A. (2018). TBS, une stratégie omnicanal. CCMP
DEL BUCCHIA, C., MARS, M.-C. (2017). Comptoir des Cotonniers, le défi omnicanal. CCMP
DEL BUCCHIA, C. (2023). Climat Sup Business Webinar.
Press articles
DEL BUCCHIA, Céline (2017). Le repas devient interactif et ludique. Stratégies, (1889).
DEL BUCCHIA, C. (2017). Séduire les enfants sans susciter le rejet des parents. Stratégies
DEL BUCCHIA, Céline (2016). Zoom sur l'enfant consommateur. Journal des Grandes Ecoles et Universités
Scientific activities
Guest Editor of an academic journal
Journal of the Association for Consumer Research | Volume 11, Issue 4,
Reviewer for an academic journal
Recherche et Applications Marketing,
Journal of Marketing Management,
Journal of Business Research,
Décisions Marketing,
Journal of Consumer Research (JCR)
Advances in Consumer Research (ACR)
Revue de l’Organisation Responsable (ROR)
Revue Française de Gestion (RFG)
European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC)
Awards and honors
The Interplay between Consumption and Embodied Discourse during Times of Transition: Catharsis amid Horror and Confusion in Menopause, 2021
Best Price for teachning innovation, 2019
Top Case in Marketing Price 2018, 2018
AFM CCMP 2017 Price for the best case study in marketing, 2017
Coach of the Audencia team, l’Oréal Brandstorm price, 1rst French place, 3rd international place, 2015
Price of pedagogical innovation, Audencia, 2012
Swiss National Science Foundation, research allocation (28 K€), 2010
University of Geneva, “Subside tremplin”, allocation for women academic careers (10 K€), 2009