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- Editor in Chief of Entrepreneurship & Regional Development
- Chair Holder -Family Entrepreneurship & Society
Miruna Radu-Lefebvre is Professor of Entrepreneurship and holder of the Chair of Family Entrepreneurship & Society at Audencia. She has been working for 17 years in entrepreneurship education and research, in France and internationally. In 2021, she was appointed Editor-in-Chief of the Entrepreneurship & Regional Development journal, one of the most renowned academic journals in the discipline worldwide.
Section CV
Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Entrepreneurship
Université Pierre Mendès France, Grenoble
Doctorate, Social Psychology of Communication
Université de Paris III Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris
Master, Political science
IEP Paris, Paris
Master, Communication
Université de Paris III Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris
Maîtrise, Political science
Université de Bucarest, Bucarest
Director - Research laboratory
Audencia Business School, Nantes, France
2016 - 2018
Chair Holder -Family Entrepreneurship & Society
Audencia Business School, Nantes, France
Since 2013
Associate Professor
Advancia Business School, Paris, France
2005 - 2011
Lecturer (ATER)
Université de Paris III Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, France
2002 - 2004
Other experiences
Editor in Chief of Entrepreneurship & Regional Development
Great Britain Since 2021Visiting out
ESG UQAM, Canada : Visiting out ESG - UQAM
TAVAKOLI, M., RADU-LEFEBVRE, M., FAYOLLE, A. (2023). The impact of the passion for teaching entrepreneurship: A conceptual model. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business
HYTTI, U., KARHUNEN, P., RADU-LEFEBVRE, M. (2024). Entrepreneurial Masculinity: A Fatherhood Perspective. Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 48 (1), 246-273.
RADU-LEFEBVRE, M., LEFEBVRE, V. (2024). I Want to Break Free: Successor Emancipation in Family Business. Boletín de Estudios Económicos, LXXVIII (234), 31-40.
RADU-LEFEBVRE, M., JAMES H. DAVIS, J., WILLIAM B. GARTNER, W. B. (2024). Legacy in Family Business: A Systematic Literature Review and Future Research Agenda. Family Business Review, 37 (1), 18–59.
GOUEDARD, M., RADU-LEFEBVRE, M., VERSHININA, N. (2023). Innovative postures in a family business: Family priorities driving resource (re)configuration. Revue de l'Entrepreneuriat, 22 (Special Issue 1), 103-132.
RAJA SINGARAM, R., RADU-LEFEBVRE, M., GARTNER, W. B. (2023). Gordian Knot Uncut: Understanding the Problem of Founder Exit in Social Ventures. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 19 (June 2023), e00379.
ANGELUCCI, A., HERMANS, J., RADU-LEFEBVRE, M., ANGEL, V. (2023). Tensioning as intertwining, competition and superseding: a self-regulation approach to managing hybridity tensions in social enterprises. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research, 29 (3), 643-664.
MERRIËNBOER, M., VERVIER, M., RADU-LEFEBVRE, M. (2023). “Really being yourself”? Racial minority entrepreneurs navigating othering and authenticity through identity work. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research, 1355-2554.
LEFEBVRE, V., CERTHOUX, G., RADU LEFEBVRE, M. (2022). Sustaining Trust to Cross the Valley of Death: A Retrospective Study of Business Angels' Investment and Reinvestment Decisions. Technovation, 109 (January 2022), Article N° 102159.
RADU-LEFEBVRE, M., HYTTI, U. (2022). Editorial - The joys and pitfalls of writing interesting research (Editorial). Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 34 (1-2), 1-5.
RADU-LEFEBVRE, M., RONTEAU, S., LEFEBVRE, V., MCADAM, M. (2022). Entrepreneuring as emancipation in family business succession: a story of agony and ecstasy. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 34 (7-8), 582-602.
BYRNE, J., RADU LEFEBVRE, M., FATTOUM, S., BALACHANDRA, L. (2021). Gender Gymnastics in CEO Succession: Masculinities, Femininities and Legitimacy. Organization Studies, 42 (1), 129-159.
PAULA MARTINEZ SANCHIS, P., CRISTINA ITURRIOZ, C., CRISTINA ARAGON-AMONARRIZ, C., RADU-LEFEBVRE, M., SEAMAN, C. (2021). Institutional settings and local embeddedness of European Entrepreneurial Families: An inter-regional comparison. European Planning Studies, 29 (10), 1819-1844.
RADU-LEFEBVRE, M., LEFEBVRE, V., CROSINA, E., HYTTI, U. (2021). Entrepreneurial Identity: A Review and Research Agenda. Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 45 (6), 1550-1590.
FREMEAUX, S., RADU-LEFEBVRE, M., DIAZ-MATAJIRA, L. (2021). Meaningful work and moral exemplarity: the perspective of family business leaders. Revue de l'Entrepreneuriat, 20 (4), 101-129.
RADU LEFEBVRE, M., RANDERSON, K. (2020). Successfully navigating the paradox of control and autonomy in succession: the role of managing ambivalent emotions. International Small Business Journal, 38 (3), 184-210.
LEFEBVRE, V., RADU LEFEBVRE, M., GARTNER, W. B., CLARKE, J. (2020). Building multitemporal awareness and reflexivity in family business: A visual sensemaking exercise. Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy, 4 (2), 194-203.
RADU LEFEBVRE, M., LOUÉ, Christophe, REDIEN-COLLOT, Renaud (2019). Contextualizing entrepreneurial legitimacy: the interplay of internal and external social representations. Journal of Enterprising Culture, 27 (1), 1-33.
LEFEBVRE, V., RADU LEFEBVRE, M. (2019). Investir au capital d’un nouveau projet entrepreneurial : une histoire de confiance ?. Revue de l'Entrepreneuriat, 18 (4), 101-126.
ST-JEAN, Etienne, RADU LEFEBVRE, Miruna, MATHIEU, Cynthia (2018). Can Less be More? Mentoring Functions, Learning Goal Orientation, and Novice Entrepreneurs’ Self-Efficacy. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research, 24 (1), 2-21.
BRUNEL, Olivier, LAVIOLETTE, E.-M., RADU LEFEBVRE, Miruna (2017). Role models and entrepreneurial intention: the moderating effects of experience, locus of control and self-esteem. Journal of Enterprising Culture, 25 (02), 149-177.
RADU LEFEBVRE, Miruna, LEFEBVRE, Vincent (2016). Anticipating intergenerational management transfer of family firms: A typology of next generation’s future leadership projections. Futures, 75, 66-82.
LEFEBVRE, Vincent, RADU LEFEBVRE, Miruna, SIMON, Eric (2015). Formal entrepreneurial networks as communities of practice: a longitudinal case study. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 27 (7/8), 500-525.
REDIEN-COLLOT, Renaud, RADU LEFEBVRE, Miruna (2015). Communication and Entrepreneurship: Influence Tactics in Business Support Situations. International Review of Entrepreneurship, 13 (4), 269-297.
BRUNEL, Olivier, LAVIOLETTE, E.-M., RADU LEFEBVRE, Miruna (2014). Renforcer l’auto-efficacité entrepreneuriale des étudiants par des modèles de rôles d’anciens ayant réussi ou échoué : le professeur doit-il intervenir?. Revue Internationale PME, 27 (3-4), 193-223.
RADU LEFEBVRE, Miruna, LEFEBVRE, Vincent, REDIEN-COLLOT, Renaud (2014). Mentorat entrepreneurial et communication : quelles stratégies pour convaincre ?. Entreprendre et Innover, (21), 19-29.
RADU LEFEBVRE, Miruna, O'SHEA, Noreen (2013). La représentation sociale de l’intuition entrepreneuriale dans la presse française. Revue Internationale PME, 26 (3-4), 169-186.
RADU LEFEBVRE, Miruna, REDIEN-COLLOT, Renaud (2013). How to do things with words”: the discursive dimension of experiential learning in entrepreneurial mentoring dyads. Journal of Small Business Management, 51 (3), 370-393.
RADU LEFEBVRE, Miruna, LAVIOLETTE, E.-M., BRUNEL, Olivier (2012). The impact of story bound entrepreneurial role models on self-efficacy and entrepreneurial intention. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research, 18 (6), 713-729.
LEFEBVRE, Vincent, RADU LEFEBVRE, Miruna, LAMY, Erwan (2012). Modèle de la poubelle" et dynamique du business model". Entreprendre et Innover, (15), 77-87.
LEFEBVRE, Vincent, RADU LEFEBVRE, Miruna (2012). Integrating Corporate Social Responsibility at the Start-up Level: Constraint or Catalyst for Opportunity Identification?. International Business Research, 5 (7), 17-27.
RADU LEFEBVRE, Miruna, REDIEN-COLLOT, Renaud (2012). Achieving legitimacy in entrepreneurship education: a case study. Journal of Enterprising Culture, 20 (4), 481-500.
RADU , M., REDIEN-COLLOT, R. (2010). Le discours de l'accompagnement en quête d'impact. Pour une modélisation de la communication en situation d'accompagnement entrepreneurial. Gestion 2000, 3, 43-56.
RADU , M., LOUÉ, C. (2008). Motivational impact of role models as moderated by "ideal" vs. "ought self-guides" identifications.. Journal of Enterprising Culture, 16 (4), 441-465.
RADU , M., REDIEN-COLLOT, R. (2008). The social representation of entrepreneurs in the French Press: derisable and feasible models?. International Small Business Journal, 26 (3), 259-298.
RADU , M. (2006). La comparaison sociale avec les femmes mannequins: un face à face stimulant ou dangereux? Croyances d'efficacité et intention comportementale d'achat. Revue Marketing et Communication, 1 (1), 56-70.
RADU, M. (2004). De la comparaison sociale à l'intention comportementale. Les publicités pour produits cosmétiques amincissants. Questions de Communication, 5, 103-114.
CRISTOL, Denis, RADU LEFEBVRE, M., LAIZE, Catherine (2011) Leadership et management. Etre leader, ça s'apprend!. De Boeck
CHABROL, Claude, RADU LEFEBVRE, M. (2008) Psychologie de la communication et Persuasion. De Boeck
RADU-LEFEBVRE, M. (2021) The Successor Conundrum: A Moral Dilemma. Springer, , 173-182
RADU LEFEBVRE, M., LEFEBVRE, V., CLARKE, J., WILLIAM B. GARTNER, W. B. (2020) Entrepreneurial legacy: How narratives of the past, present and future affect entrepreneurship in business families. Edward Elgar Publishing, , 73-86
RADU LEFEBVRE, Miruna, LEFEBVRE, Vincent (2018) Le poids de l'héritage : le mentorat face aux attentes des futurs actionnaires et dirigeants d'entreprises familiales. Presses de l'Université du Québec
RADU LEFEBVRE, Miruna, REDIEN-COLLOT, Renaud (2014) SMEs’ leaders: Building collective cognition and competences to trigger positive strategic outcomes. IGI Global, , 143-158
RADU LEFEBVRE, Miruna, LEFEBVRE, Vincent (2012) Faciliter la détection d’opportunités entrepreneuriales par la RSE. l'Harmattan, , 145-170
RADU LEFEBVRE, M. (2011) Le rôle modérateur du leader dans l'émergence et la mise en oeuvre de compétences collectives: impacts sur la performance des équipes. De Boeck
RADU , M., LAVIOLETTE, E.-M. (2011) L'impact des modèles de rôle positifs et négatifs selon l'activation d'un but de promotion vs. prévention. De Boeck
RADU-LEFEBVRE, M. (2024). No More Entrepreneurial Heroes The whys, the whos, and the whats of entrepreneurial identity today. KEYNOTE CONFERENCE. 2st Conference of Research in Entrepreneurship, Education and Technology (CREET).
RADU-LEFEBVRE, M. (2024). Paternité et entrepreneuriat: Les figures hybrides de la masculinité entrepreneuriale. Le genre de l'entrepreneuriat : Enjeux et apports d'une perspective interdisciplinaire.
SAULO DUBARD BARBOSA, S., RADU-LEFEBVRE, M., SANDRINE LE PONTOIS, S. (2024). Entrepreneurship as mythology: Enlarging the scope of cultural entrepreneurship research. EGOS Conference.
ANAÏS ANGELUCCI, A., JULIE HERMANS, J., RADU-LEFEBVRE, M. (2023). Overrated prudence? When prevention leads entrepreneurs to escalade of commitment bias. Babson Conference.
RADU-LEFEBVRE, M., LÉA WANG, L. (2023). Succession Legacy in Family Business: Too much of a good thing?. STEP Global Summit.
RADU-LEFEBVRE, M., JAMES H. DAVIS, J., WILLIAM B. GARTNER, W. (2023). Family legacy, entrepreneurial identity, and storytelling: The good, the bad, and the ugly.. EGOS Conference.
RADU-LEFEBVRE, M., VERSHININA, N., LEFEBVRE, V. (2022). Living up to self-imposed standards: enacting moral leadership and innovation as gendered practice in family business. RENT Conference.
JOSH DASPIT, J., RADU-LEFEBVRE, M., C. FOX, C., PAUL SANCHEZ-RUIZ, P., LI ZHONGHUI, Z. (2022). Hispanic-Owned Businesses: The (Dis)Advantages of Being a Family Firm & Accessing Growth Financing. AoM Conference.
RADU-LEFEBVRE, M., LEFEBVRE, V. (2021). Becoming an entrepreneur: it takes more than founding a venture. Babson Conference.
SAULO DUBARD BARBOSA, S., SANDRINE LE PONTOIS, S., RADU-LEFEBVRE, M. (2021). Drawing entrepreneurship: an essential complement for evaluating entrepreneurship education. Babson Conference.
LEFEBVRE, V., RADU-LEFEBVRE, M. (2021). Minding the social capital gap between new venture stages. EGOS Conference.
RADU-LEFEBVRE, M., DAVIS, J., GARTNER, W. B. (2021). Measuring entrepreneurial legacy. FERC Conference.
VERSHININA, N., RADU-LEFEBVRE, M. (2021). Deconstructing women's (in)visibility discourse in family business research. Gender, Work and Organization Conference.
CONSTANTINIDIS, C., RADU-LEFEBVRE, M. (2021). The silent script of 'pitching like a man': the how of gender performativity in entrepreneurship. Gender, Work and Organization Conference.
RADU-LEFEBVRE, M., MCADAM, M., GARTNER, W. B. (2021). Unloking the (relational) beast: Cathartic liminality in organization theater. USASBE Conference.
RADU-LEFEBVRE, M., CONSTANTINIDIS, C. (2021). The house is on fire: a doing gender perspective on crisis management in family business. DIANA Conference.
HEDI YEZZA, H., CHABAUD, D., BARRÉDY, C., RADU-LEFEBVRE, M. (2020). Navigating CEO succession conflicts: social skills as paradox management tools. Babson Conference.
LEFEBVRE, V., RADU-LEFEBVRE, M., GARTNER, W. B., CLARKE, J. (2020). Portraits of the past, present and future of families and their businesses. USASBE Conference.
RADU LEFEBVRE, M., RONTEAU, S., LEFEBVRE, V., MCADAM, M. (2019). Entrepreneuring as a liminal space for successors' emancipation. Entrepreneurship as Practice.
RADU LEFEBVRE, M., DASPIT, J., DENIS, V. (2019). In bed with the ennemy: Spousal ambivalence during intergenerational succession. EIASM; IFERA.
RADU LEFEBVRE, M., DASPIT, J., DENIS, V. (2019). A social exchange approach of spousal influence on intergenerational succession. FERC.
RADU LEFEBVRE, M., LEFEBVRE, V., DIAZ MATAJIRA, L. (2019). French CEOs values and family business identity. FERC.
RADU LEFEBVRE, M., LEFEBVRE, V., CLARKE, J., GARTNER, W. (2019). Entrepreneurial legacy: Images of facilitating or inhibiting successor entrepreneurial identity. AOM; symposium 'Identity in and around Entrepreneurial Families'.
RADU LEFEBVRE, M., RONTEAU, S., LEFEBVRE, V., MCADAM, M. (2019). Entrepreneuring as a liminal space for successors' emancipation. Entrepreneurship as Practice 4th Conference, Nantes3-5 April.
LEFEBVRE, V., RADU LEFEBVRE, M., CLARKE, J., GARTNER, W. B. (2019). Entrepreneurial legacy: Images of facilitating or inhibiting successor entrepreneurial Identity. AOM Symposium Identity and Around.
LEFEBVRE, V., RADU LEFEBVRE, M., GARTNER, W. B. (2019). Fighting shadows of the past: Entrepreneuring as emancipation in Family Firms. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference.
RADU LEFEBVRE, M., RONTEAU, S., LEFEBVRE, V., MCADAM, M. (2019). Entrepreneuring as a liminal space for successors' emancipation. Entrepreneurship as Practice 4th Conference.
RADU LEFEBVRE, M., LEFEBVRE, V., CLARKE, J., GARTNER, W. (2018). Past, present and future: understanding family entrepreneurship in successors' prospective and retrospective thinking through visual narrative analysis. Babson Conference.
RADU LEFEBVRE, M., LEFEBVRE, V., CLARKE, J., GARTNER, W. B. (2018). Past, Present and Future: Understanding Family Entrepreneurship in Successors’ Prospective and Retrospective Thinking through Visual Narrative Analysis. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Waterford 6-9 June 2018.
RANDERSON, K., RADU LEFEBVRE, M. (2018). Paradoxical Tensions and Emotional Ambivalence in Business Families. Paper presented at the Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business (RENT).
RADU LEFEBVRE, M., CHAMPENOIS, C., LEFEBVRE, V., ANDERSON, A. (2017). Values at the heart of family business identity: A family CEOs perspective. PSB.
RADU LEFEBVRE, M., RANDERSON, K., DENIS, V. (2017). The family business paradox and emotional ambivalence of business family members. RENT.
RADU LEFEBVRE, M., RANDERSON, K., DENIS, V. (2017). Emotional ambivalence in the next gen. EIASM.
LEFEBVRE, V., RADU LEFEBVRE, M., CHAMPENOIS, C., ANDERSON, A. (2017). Values at the heart of family-business identity: A family CEOs’ perspective. Entrepreneurship: past, present and future, Paris 10-12 May 2017.
RANDERSON, K., RADU LEFEBVRE, M., DENIS, V. (2017). Emotional Ambivalence in Business Families: a Preliminary Analysis. 14th EIASM Family Business Management Workshop.
RADU LEFEBVRE, M., BYRNE, J., FATTOUM, S., BALACHANDRA, L. (2016). Man to "Man": Masculinity and Family Business Succession. EURAM.
RADU LEFEBVRE, M., FAYOLLE, A., TAVAKOLI, M., FRIEDMANN, C. (2016). The role of passion for teaching and passion for entrepreneurship in entrepreneurship education. ESU.
RADU LEFEBVRE, M., DENIS, V. (2015). To be or not to be a future family business leader: the emotional ambivalence of next generation members., IFERA 2015 Annual Conférence (International Family Enterprise Research Academy).
RADU LEFEBVRE, M., DENIS, V. (2015). To be or not to be a future family business leader: the emotional ambivalence of next generation members., EIASM 11th Workshop on Family Firm Management Research.
LEFEBVRE, V., RADU LEFEBVRE, M., DELCHET-COCHET, K. (2015). RSE et Entrepreneuriat : vers un croisement des cadres conceptuels., 9ème Congrès de l'Académie de l'Entrepreneuriat et de l'Innovation.
LEFEBVRE, V., RADU LEFEBVRE, M. (2015). L'Image Métier de l'accompagnement entrepreneurial : les déterminants d'une carrière., 9ème Congrès de l'Académie de l'Entrepreneuriat et de l'Innovation.
RADU LEFEBVRE, M., LEFEBVRE, V., & CHAMPENOIS, C. (2014). The Social Representation of Responsible Entrepreneurship in French Family Businesses., IFERA 2014 Annual Conference (The International Family Enterprise Research Academy).
RADU LEFEBVRE, M., LEFEBVRE, V., & CHAMPENOIS, C. (2014). Responsible Entrepreneurship: norm and/or ideal of French family businesses?., 59th Annual Conference of International Council for Small Business.
RADU LEFEBVRE, M., BRUNET, O., & LAVIOLETTE, E.-M. (2014). Modèles de rôle d’anciens étudiants et intention entrepreneuriale des nouveaux étudiants : la place de l’expérience antérieure ?., 12ème Congrès International Francophone en Entrepreneuriat et PME (CIFEPME).
RADU LEFEBVRE, M., SAINT-JEAN, E., & MATHIEU, C. (2014). Mentorat et développement de l’auto-efficacité de l’entrepreneur novice : l’effet combiné des fonctions du mentor, de la similitude perçue et de l’orientation dans un but d’apprentissage du mentoré., 12ème Congrès International Francophone en Entrepreneuriat et PME (CIFEPME).
RADU LEFEBVRE, M., FOURCADE, F., & TRAN, V. (2014). Learning rock climbing: Building a metaphor to tame fear of failure in young entrepreneurs., 74th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management..
RADU LEFEBVRE, M. (2014). Fears and hopes of future family business leaders in France: role transition representations and perceived entrepreneurial preparedness., IFERA 2014 Annual Conference (The International Family Enterprise Research Academy).
RADU LEFEBVRE, M., LOUE, C., & REDIEN-COLLOT, R. (2014). Entrepreneur : représentation sociale d’une identité professionnelle hétérogène en quête de légitimité., Journées George Doriot.
LAVIOLETTE, E.-M., LEFEBVRE, V., & RADU LEFEBVRE, M. (2014). Business Modeling as Design Thinking: Implications for Entrepreneurship Education., 59th Annual Conference of International Council for Small Business.
LEFEBVRE, V., RADU LEFEBVRE, M., DELÉCOLLE, T. (2013). Trust at first sight ? The impact of entrepreneurs’ pitch presentations on business angels’ investment decisions in France and Germany.. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, 5-8 June 2013.
RADU LEFEBVRE, M. (2013). Trust at first sight? The impact of entrepreneurs’ pitch presentations on business angels’ investment decisions in France and Germany., Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC 2013).
RADU LEFEBVRE, M., & LEFEBVRE, V. (2013). Investir au capital d’un nouveau projet entrepreneurial : une histoire de confiance ?., 8ème Congrès de l'Académie de l'Entrepreneuriat et de l'Innovation.
RADU LEFEBVRE, M., LEFEBVRE, V., & O'SHEA, N. (2013). Entrepreneurs: the last of the shamans? Heroic metaphors of entrepreneurs in the French press., 3rd Conference of Management, Spirituality & Religion.
RADU LEFEBVRE, M., BRUNET, O., & LAVIOLETTE, E.-M. (2013). Entrepreneurial Experience Transfer by Role Models: A Structural Model., RENT XXVIII.
RADU LEFEBVRE, M., LEBEBVRE, V., & LAMY, E. (2012). L’élaboration du Business Model en situation d’accompagnement : une co-construction de la boîte à alternatives du développement sur le modèle de la poubelle ?., Colloque "Regards croisés sur les pratiques d’accompagnement entrepreneurial" : 2ème rencontre entre acteurs des réseaux d'accompagnement et chercheurs.
RADU LEFEBVRE, M., REDIEN-COLLOT, R., & O'SHEA, N. (2011). The impact of entrepreneurial mentoring on wisdom acquisition and transmission: a dialogical and relational phenomenon., Workshop International en Entrepreneuriat : Enseignement, formation et accompagnement dans le champ de l’Entrepreneuriat : Evaluation et perspectives.
RADU LEFEBVRE, M., VERZAT, C., O'SHEA, N., FAYOLLE, A., & BYME, J. (2011). Les dynamiques du leadership dans les équipes de projet étudiantes. Proposition d’un programme de recherche., Workshop International en Entrepreneuriat : Enseignement, formation et accompagnement dans le champ de l’Entrepreneuriat : Evaluation et perspectives.
RADU LEFEBVRE, M., REDIEN-COLLOT, R., & O'SHEA, N. (2011). Le changement entrepreneurial et ses ambivalences., Journée d’Etude de l’Université de Louvain.
RADU LEFEBVRE, M., & LEFEBVRE, V. (2011). L'élaboration du Business Model en situation d'accompagnement : une co-construction de la boîte à alternatives du développement sur le modèle de la poubelle ?., 7ème Congrès de l'Académie de l'Entrepreneuriat et de l'Innovation.
RADU LEFEBVRE, M., LAGUESTE, Noémie, NISHIMATA, Aline (2015). Dynamique entrepreneuriale: comment défier le marché des médias.
RADU LEFEBVRE, M. (2015). De Buyer: le savoir-faire made in France.
RADU LEFEBVRE, M., LAGUESTE, Noémie, NISHIMATA, Aline (2014). Gil Turpeau Bâtiment: comment pérenniser une entreprise familiale à la 4ème génération.
RADU LEFEBVRE, Miruna, LEFEBVRE, Vincent (2016). Livre blanc : les jeunes et l'entrepreneuriat familial. Propositions pour lever les freins à la création ou l'intégration d'entreprises familiales.
RADU LEFEBVRE, Miruna, LAGUESTE, Noëmie (2015). Identité et image des entreprises familiales. Audencia Business School, 2.
RADU LEFEBVRE, Miruna, LAGUESTE, Noëmie (2015). L'ADN du Groupe Actual.
RADU LEFEBVRE, Miruna, LAGUESTE, Noëmie (2014). Identité et image de l'entreprise familiale.
RADU-LEFEBVRE, M., LEFEBVRE, V., VERSHININA, N., DIMOV, D. (2023). STEP conversation #3 : Growth and Family Business Succession. Chaine Youtube Audencia
Press articles
RADU-LEFEBVRE, M. (2021). Entreprises familiales: la gouvernance, clef de voûte de la transmission. Les Echos
RADU-LEFEBVRE, M., HOMAI, R. (2021). La transmission des entreprises familiales, une période particulièrement intense en émotions. The Conversation
RADU LEFEBVRE, M., LAGUESTE, Noémie (2018). Et si les entreprises familiales restaient... familiales ?. Grandes Ecoles & Universités Magazine, (79).
RADU LEFEBVRE, M. (2018). Croire en soi, c'est réussir.
RADU LEFEBVRE, Miruna (2017). Work-life balance. Ambition
RADU LEFEBVRE, Miruna, LAGUESTE, Noëmie (2017). Management. Comment organiser la transmission du pouvoir de direction. Ouest-France
RADU LEFEBVRE, Miruna (2016). Working in a family business. Institute of Edge
RADU LEFEBVRE, Miruna (2016). Un premier observatoire des entreprises familiales. Ouest-France
Professional conferences
RADU LEFEBVRE, M. (2018). Entrepreneuriat familial : la légitimité des successeurs familiaux.
RADU LEFEBVRE, Miruna, GIRARD, Carine (2016). Quels outils pour quelle gouvernance ?.
Press articles
LAGUESTE, Noëmie, RADU LEFEBVRE, Miruna (2016). Le rôle des femmes dans la transmission des entreprises familiales. Ouest-France
RADU LEFEBVRE, Miruna (2014). Advertising as an agent for change. The Financial Express (India)
RADU LEFEBVRE, Miruna (2012). 2012 : fin du monde ou renouveau de l’entrepreneuriat ?. Dynamique Entrepreneuriale, (28), 50.
RADU , M., OPRESCU, M. (2009). En busca de la belleza entre espejismo(s) y eficacia(s). El impacto de la publicidad para productos cosmeticos adelgazantes: El rol moderator de las estrategiasde comparacion social. Comunicación y Medios
BONNAFOUS-BOUCHER, M., RADU , M. (2007). Creation and creativity: Success factors of entrepreneurship and key topics for entrepreneurship research. Silicon Valley Review of Global Entrepreneurship Research, 3 (1), 37-57.
Professional conferences
RADU LEFEBVRE, Miruna (2014). Les entreprises familiales sont-elles plus responsables ?.
RADU LEFEBVRE, Miruna (2014). Image de l'entreprise familiale.
RADU LEFEBVRE, Miruna (2014). Entreprises familiales : la transmission vue par les jeunes.
RADU LEFEBVRE, Miruna (2014). Comment transmettre le patrimoine immatériel de l’entreprise familiale.
RADU LEFEBVRE, Miruna, SOBCZAK, André (2013). Présentation des projets de la Chaire Entrepreneuriat familial.
RADU LEFEBVRE, Miruna (2013). Comment concilier une vision entrepreneuriale et une vision patrimoniale ?.
Scientific activities
Member of the scientific board of an academic association
Family Firm Institute Judging Panel 'Best Unpublished Research Paper Award',
DIF 2021 - 3rd International Conference Digital, Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Finance,
UELE 2021 - Summer university on Entrepreneurial Legitimacy,
Journées Georges Doriot,
Judging team NFIB Dissertation Award, ENT Division, AOM,
Revue de l'Entrepreneuriat,
Revue internationale PME,
Member of the editorial board of an academic journal
Editorial review board RIPME,
Editor of an academic journal
Editor in chief Entrepreneurship & Regional Development,
Reviewer for an academic journal
Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice,
International Small Business Journal
Entrepreneurship and Regional Development
Revue de l’entrepreneuriat
Revue Internationale de Psychologie Sociale
Le Conseil de recherche en sciences humaines (Canada)
Guest Editor of an academic journal
"Entreprises familiales et succession: défis et solutions" (avec Céline Barrédy et Alain Fayolle),
Awards and honors
Best paper on Family entrepreneurship, 2020
STEP Best Paper Award for Transgenerational Entrepreneurship, 2019
Best Poster Award, 2019
Best paper award, RADU M., LAVIOLETTE E.-M. (2010). Symbolic roles models and entrepreneurial intention. 23th EFMD Conference on Entrepreneurship, Paris, France, 2010
Best paper of the year, RADU M., REDIEN-COLLOT, R. (2008). The Social Representation of Entrepreneurs in the French Press: Desirable and Feasible Models? International small business journal 26(3): 259-298, 2008
Doctoral supervision
Since 2013, Marine Gouëdard : Une approche par la configuration, Université de Nantes, France
Since 2020, N. NARCIS HERACLIDE : Capacité de transformation des organisations vers des futurs inclusifs et temporalités organisationnelles : de l'aménagement raisonnable à l'aménagement durable, Université de Poitiers, France
Since 2020, A. ANAÏS ANGELUCCI : Demystifying entrepreneurial cognition through self-regulation, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Since 2016, V. VAIBHAV GUPTA : Intrafamily family firm successors' perceptions of and actions towards post-succession legitimacy, University of South Australia, Australia
Since 2022, E. TUGCE DURCAN : Le rôle de la culture organisationnelle dans les processus d'innovation au sein des entreprises familiales: le cas des entreprises familiales en Turquie, Université Paris Cité,
Since 2022, O. A. OLUFUNMILOLA AYINKE OJEDIRAN : Understanding the influence of context on black women entrepreneurs in the South African wine industry, Lancaster University Management School, Great Britain
Since 2021, T. TYPHAINE LEBÈGUE : Comprendre et soutenir les femmes qui (s')entreprennent. Des enjeux de genre aux engagements féministes, Université de Tours, France
Since 2019, S. EL HAYEK : Comment la composition du conseil d'administration des ETI familiales influence-t-elle la succession?, ,
Since 2017, S. SUMAYA HASHIM : Women Entrepreneurship. Masculinity, Legitimacy and Well-Being, Jönköping International Business School (JIBS), Sweden
Since 2017, A. ALAA GAMIE : L'anticipation dans les PME familiales., Université de Poitiers, France
Since 2014, O. NIAMIE OCTAVE : L'entrainement des entrepreneurs en démarrage dans les espaces liminaux à la construction de la légitimité de leurs entreprises auprès des investisseurs en capital risque, ESG UQAM, Canada
Since 2014, J. JÉRÉMIE RENOUF : Accompagner la transition professionnelle du salariat à l'entrepreneuriat, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, France
Since 2013, H. HEDI YEZZA : La succession dans les entreprises familiales: le rôle des compétences sociales du successeur, IAE Paris, France
Since 2019, Nadia Gahlam : L'entrepreneuriat durable: Essai de modélisation d'un processus innovant, Ecole doctorale Sciences de l'homme et de la société, France
Since 2019, Ahmed Sabbari : L'orientation entrepreneuriale des PME à internationalisation rapide et logiques d'identification des opportunités d'exportation, Université Cadi Ayyad, Morocco
Since 2016, Renaud Redien-Collot : L'agenda phénoménologique: Une nouvelle approche des interactions entre langage et démarche entrepreneuriale, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, France
Since 2011, N. NADÈGE MINE-DUFRAISSE : Transférer le ‘savoir-faire stratégique’ : une approche par la théorie de l’activité, Université de Poitiers, France