BBA Big Data & Management

Acquire a unique blend of expertise in management and data engineering to meet new business needs.

Further studies

At the end of the course, the student will be able to choose between entering working life or continuing their studies.
Each student benefits from personalized support to help them choose the best orientation.
There are multiple opportunities for further study within Audencia and Centrale Nantes programs.

Job opportunities

  • Data Manager
  • Data Protection Officer
  • Data Architect Business Intelligent
  • Manager Chief Data Officer

Data, a sector that recruits

With the development of new technologies, the Internet and social networks over the last twenty years, the production of digital data has exploded: texts, photos, videos, online transactions, GPS signals, etc. The vast amount of digital data produced, combined with ever-increasing storage capacity and increasingly sophisticated real-time analysis tools, now offers unparalleled opportunities for information exploitation.

More than a school, a global network

When you join Audencia, you're not just joining a school, you're joining a large network of 34,000 alumni and 7,200 students, from a hundred different nationalities.

A dynamic network with its ambassadors who offer you numerous exchanges, discussions and meetings wherever you are in the world (internship, travel or expatriation).

Audencia Alumni, it's 200 communities and more than 250 events per year in France and internationally.


Centrale Nantes Alumni

Tomorrow's profession is different from today's imagination. The diverse backgrounds of Centrale Nantes alumni embody the versatility of Centrale Nantes. Building a professional project that balances career and aspirations, while remaining true to one's values, is essential.

Explore, exchange with Centrale Nantes alumni, discover their diversity of professions in different contexts to feed your thinking and create opportunities.

international groups

Updated on: Fri, 06/21/2024 - 08:46