BBA Big Data & Management

Acquire a unique blend of expertise in management and data engineering to meet new business needs.

Program Details


Each student in the Big Data & Management BBA completes 3 internships during the academic curriculum. This gives you the opportunity to gain 12 months of experience in a company.

Assessment Terms

Continuous monitoring, Evaluation écrite, Group work

Teaching methods

Theoretical courses, business games, role-playing, case studies, practical exercises, simulation games, group projects.

Target Skills

  • Analyze the environment and organization to make a diagnosis 
  • Design the company's marketing, sales, communication, and/or export policies 
  • Define budgets, evaluate the profitability of actions and control procedures
  • Use appropriate digital tools to support the organization - Communicate in a multicultural environment
  • Act responsibly in a professional context, knowing oneself, others and the environment

Updated on: Fri, 06/21/2024 - 08:46