Master in Management (Grande Ecole) - Post-Prepa EC

Discover our program

As a Top 50 Masters in Management in the world (QS World University Ranking, 2021), our programme gives you unparalleled opportunities to specialise in areas that interest you – while building immersive international work experience. With a degree from one of France’s elite Grande Ecole programmes, the quality of your training is recognised no matter where you go.

Select from 21 specialisations with options in English or French

Gain an impressive 4-18 months of in-company experience – you decide the duration. Spend a term in Australia, New Zealand, the U.S. or Canada. Enjoy Audencia’s corporate connections and comprehensive career services.

Satisfaction Rate for the Last 3 Graduating Classes
Grande Ecole Graduates
PGE Students
  • Rhythm:
    Full time
  • Total duration:
    4 years
  • Degree:
    Master - Grade Master, Visé BAC+5
  • Language(s):
    English, French
  • Format:
  • Duration of internship / Work experience:
    Between 14 and 24 months
  • Campus:
    Audencia Atlantic Campus - Nantes
  • Start Date:
  • Training schedule:
    4 ans
  • Number of places:
  • VAE accessible:
  • Entry level:
    BAC +2
Master in Management (Grande Ecole) - Post-Prepa EC

Target Skills

  • Evaluate the environment and define the company's strategic directions in an international context.
  • Define the marketing action plan for the company or entity
  • Manage the activities of the company or entity
  • Support the development of the company and its teams

Assessment Terms

Continuous monitoring, Evaluation écrite, Examens sur table, Final dissertation, Soutenance orale

Teaching methods

Throughout your studies at Audencia, you will be immersed in an environment that combines theory and practice. 

The school places great emphasis on mastering the fundamentals of management, which means acquiring a global vision of how companies operate. 

You will have the opportunity to put these skills and professional reflexes into practice during enriching internships or group work, which will help you choose your specialization for your final year.

Master Grande Ecole - Post-Prepa EC

Critères d'admission

Concours exclusivement ouvert aux candidats issus des classes préparatoires économiques et commerciales voie générale (ECG), technologiques et littéraires ENS LSH (Lyon), ENS A/L (ULM), ENS B/L, ENS Lettres et Sciences Sociales).

Délai d'admission

6 mois

Equivalences et passerelles

Passerelles/équivalences : Des passerelles sont possibles vers l’université, vers d’autres écoles de commerce (rares mais possibles), vers des écoles privées (école de communication, école de design...).

Les équivalences sont étudiées par les établissements qui reçoivent la demande d’admission.

Le niveau de l’équivalence (L3, M1, M2 ou niveau 6, 7) est donné selon le nombre de crédits acquis dans l’établissement d’origine et le dossier du candidat.

Dates clés

Inscriptions au concours BCE : décembre 2024 à janvier 2025

Épreuves écrites : avril 2025

Jury d’admissibilité : juin 2025

Épreuves orales : juin 2025

Jury d'admission : juillet 2025

Conseils pour concours BCE Audencia
Se préparer aux écrits

Découvrez les conseils de Frédéric Bretécher, professeur de culture générale, pour vous préparer à l'épreuve de Culture Générale grâce à sa vidéo "Conseils" et ses "Podcasts"

Modalités d'admission

Etape 1 : Inscription au Concours de la Banque Commune d'Épreuves Écrites des Écoles de Management (BCE)

  • Inscription en ligne (indiquer votre souhait de vous présenter pour Audencia)
  • Téléversement des pièces justificatives
  • Paiement des droits d'inscription
  • Épreuves écrites

En fonction de votre résultat d'admissibilité à Audencia, vous pourrez venir passer vos oraux à Audencia.

Etape 2 : Les oraux

Les oraux à Audencia durent une journée complète (7h30-18h).

Entretien (Coeff. 13) :

  • Durée : 30 min de préparation + 30 min d'épreuve.
  • Modalités : L'entretien, composé d'un court exposé sur un thème d'ordre général et un dialogue avec le jury, permet de découvrir la personnalité du candidat. Sa motivation sera évaluée via ses qualités intellectuelles, d'expression, relationnelles et personnelles.
  • Jury : Le jury est composé d'un président, obligatoirement professeur permanent ou représentant d'Audencia, et de professionnel(s) ou dirigeant(s) du monde des affaires et/ ou de la culture.

LV1 (Coeff. 4) & LV2 (Coeff. 3)

  • Durée : 20 min de préparation + 20 min d'épreuve
  • Modalités : Un texte extrait de la presse, en langue étrangère, pouvant porter sur des thèmes très divers : actualité économique, sociale, politique, culturelle et problèmes de société.
  • Jury : Professeur d'Audencia ou enseignants de classes préparatoires.

Etape 3 : Procédure SIGEM et admission

La procédure SIGEM :

  • Inscription et paiement de l'acompte
  • Saisie des vœux
  • Consultation et résultats d'affectation
  • Résultats d'admission sur le site d'Audencia
Master Grande Ecole - Post-Prepa EC

Career support for all students

83 %
contracts of permanent employment
47 K
average annual salary
88 %
of graduates found a job within 6 months

Career Support

Are you looking for an internship? Do you need advice on your CV, cover letters or any other action to help you become more professional?

The Career & Corporate Relations Center teams can help. We are here to serve Audencia's students, graduates and recruiters, and develop tailor-made support packages for all Audencia programs.

Our goal is to help you develop your skills and enhance your employability, both in France and abroad.

Poursuites d'étude

  • Mastères spécialisés,
  • Doctorat

Débouchés métier

Management général : dirigeant de société, directeur d’entreprise, directeur de centre de profit, filiale, business unit, d’agence ou d’établissement, directeur général opérationnel, secrétaire général

Management fonctionnel : responsable/directeur du développement, du marketing, commercial, administratif et financier, du contrôle de gestion, des ressources humaines, des opérations, des achats et de la supply chain, consultant, auditeur…

Exemples de domaines : 

  • Direction de petite ou moyenne entreprise
  • Direction de grande entreprise ou d''établissement public
  • Conseil en organisation et management d''entreprise
  • Marketing
  • Direction administrative et financière

More than a school, a global network

When you join Audencia, you're not just joining a school, you're joining a large network of 34,000 alumni and 7,200 students, from a hundred different nationalities.

A dynamic network with its ambassadors who offer you numerous exchanges, discussions and meetings wherever you are in the world (internship, travel or expatriation).

Audencia Alumni, it's 200 communities and more than 250 events per year in France and internationally.

Master in Management (Grande Ecole) - Post-Prepa EC

Student life at Audencia

Coming to Audencia often means settling into a new city, a new environment.

Here are our practical tips, our good plans for getting around, eating out, and staying in one of our campus cities.

Search an accommodation

Student Well-Being

Well-being @Audencia is a comprehensive service, designed to help you succeed in your personal, academic and professional life.

The entire scheme is based on values of caring. It is completely confidential.

The Knowledge Hub

Throughout the year, the Knowledge Hub team welcomes, educates, and trains students in documentary research methodology, database consultation, bibliographic formatting, and plagiarism avoidance.

A team of 9 documentalists is available to students and teachers to assist students and teachers with their research.

In this way, each student can be received in individual appointments to be assisted in their research or to be trained in bibliographic reference management tools. Teachers also benefit from the support of the librarians for their teaching projects (identification of tools, enrichment of courses with bibliographic references).

Contact :

Master Grande Ecole - Post-Prepa EC

International Experiences: Discover the World with Audencia

At Audencia, opening up to the world is at the heart of our mission. With a vast network of international partners, every student is encouraged to experience at least one semester abroad.

Thanks to our strong partnerships with prestigious universities around the world, we can offer you over 200 study abroad opportunities on every continent. These diverse destinations allow you to immerse yourself in small groups and fully integrate into the local culture.

But that's not all! You also have the opportunity to pursue an international double degree with one of our many partners of excellence.

Audencia holds the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2021-2027.

Foreign students
different nationalities
partners worldwide

Explore the world thanks to our international mobility

Campus Shenzhen

Discover study opportunities around the world with Audencia Business School! Our institution carefully selects partner universities and schools in North America, Central America, South America, the Middle East, Asia, the Pacific, Europe and Africa.

Enjoy an enriching international experience through customized courses and joint degrees.

Dual Skill Certificates: A Unique Audencia Advantage

Always with the aim of training "world citizens" and developing their hybridization of skills, you'll have the opportunity to obtain dual-skill certificates. Offered in the fields of film, music, environment, art, law, etc., everyone will have the opportunity to obtain a certificate thanks to our international partner institutions. A real plus for standing out and increasing your employability.

  • Movie Industry: New York Film Industry
  • Ecology, Psychology: University of Columbia
  • Fine Art & Design: UDK Universitat DerKunste, Berlin
  • International Law & Organizations: American University, Washington
  • Art & Business: Sotheby's Institute of Art, London
  • Entertainment, Music Business & DigitalTechnology: University of California, Los Angeles
  • Product Design Towards Sustainability & Visual Communication For Fashion: Instituto Lorenzo de Medici, Florence

Due to the limited number of places available per exchange, students are selected based on criteria established by the host institution, including academic performance and language level.

Discover the perfect time for an international experience

During Master 1, via the "International Path"

The choice between these two other options is made during the pre-master's year:

  • The Global Mobility Track: During the pre-master's year, after a first semester in Nantes, you will spend your 2nd semester in Europe at a partner university and your 3rd semester in the USA or China. Immersion in 3 continents from the first 3 semesters of the program
  • Geographical Paths: The goal is to deepen your geopolitical and cultural knowledge of a region of your choice: Asia, South America, Africa, USA, Russia, CEE during the 1st year and the possibility to spend the 3rd semester at a prestigious partner university in the area studied (Merida-Yukatan in Mexico, St. Petersburg, Fullerton California...).
During the Master 2 Program, by completing a double degree

Do you have a strong academic record and an international career plan? Audencia offers you the opportunity to spend a full year of specialization abroad. You can also prepare a double degree among the 150 available.

Discover the list of schools and their degrees: