International Experiences: Discover the World with Audencia

At Audencia, opening up to the world is at the heart of our mission. With a vast network of international partners, every student is encouraged to experience at least one semester abroad.

Thanks to our strong partnerships with prestigious universities around the world, we can offer you over 200 study abroad opportunities on every continent. These diverse destinations allow you to immerse yourself in small groups and fully integrate into the local culture.

But that's not all! You also have the opportunity to pursue an international double degree with one of our many partners of excellence.

Audencia holds the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2021-2027.

Foreign students
different nationalities
partners worldwide

Explore the world thanks to our international mobility

Campus Shenzhen

Discover study opportunities around the world with Audencia Business School! Our institution carefully selects partner universities and schools in North America, Central America, South America, the Middle East, Asia, the Pacific, Europe and Africa.

Enjoy an enriching international experience through customized courses and joint degrees.

Dual Skill Certificates: A Unique Audencia Advantage

Always with the aim of training "world citizens" and developing their hybridization of skills, you'll have the opportunity to obtain dual-skill certificates. Offered in the fields of film, music, environment, art, law, etc., everyone will have the opportunity to obtain a certificate thanks to our international partner institutions. A real plus for standing out and increasing your employability.

  • Movie Industry: New York Film Industry
  • Ecology, Psychology: University of Columbia
  • Fine Art & Design: UDK Universitat DerKunste, Berlin
  • International Law & Organizations: American University, Washington
  • Art & Business: Sotheby's Institute of Art, London
  • Entertainment, Music Business & DigitalTechnology: University of California, Los Angeles
  • Product Design Towards Sustainability & Visual Communication For Fashion: Instituto Lorenzo de Medici, Florence

Due to the limited number of places available per exchange, students are selected based on criteria established by the host institution, including academic performance and language level.

Discover the perfect time for an international experience

During Master 1, via the "International Path"

The choice between these two other options is made during the pre-master's year:

  • The Global Mobility Track: During the pre-master's year, after a first semester in Nantes, you will spend your 2nd semester in Europe at a partner university and your 3rd semester in the USA or China. Immersion in 3 continents from the first 3 semesters of the program
  • Geographical Paths: The goal is to deepen your geopolitical and cultural knowledge of a region of your choice: Asia, South America, Africa, USA, Russia, CEE during the 1st year and the possibility to spend the 3rd semester at a prestigious partner university in the area studied (Merida-Yukatan in Mexico, St. Petersburg, Fullerton California...).
During the Master 2 Program, by completing a double degree

Do you have a strong academic record and an international career plan? Audencia offers you the opportunity to spend a full year of specialization abroad. You can also prepare a double degree among the 150 available.

Discover the list of schools and their degrees:

Discover our program

Audencia's Grande École program is a high-level, two-year program (PGE) leading to a nationally recognized master's degree. 

Our PGE trains leaders to meet current and future economic, technological and social challenges. Students benefit from multidisciplinary education, international experience, internships and practical projects to gain solid professional experience. 

They can personalize their course with a choice of three tracks: commitment, modular or apprenticeship.

Satisfaction Rate for the Last 3 Graduating Classes
Grande Ecole Graduates
PGE Students
Parcoursup : Procédure de confirmation d'admission
Apply Now

Submit your application directly on our dedicated platform.

  • Rhythm:
    Full time
  • Entry level:
    BAC +3
  • Total duration:
    2 years + 1 gap year
  • Degree:
    Master - Visé BAC+5
  • Language(s):
    English, French
  • Format:
  • Duration of internship / Work experience:
    Between 14 and 24 months
  • Campus:
    Audencia Atlantic Campus - Nantes
  • Start Date:
  • Training schedule:
    3 years
  • Number of places:
  • VAE accessible:

Program Benefits

Audencia Business School's program promotes your personal development through a balanced pedagogical project based on three dimensions:

  • Academic Excellence: Recognized for its academic excellence, the program guarantees quality training in key areas.
  • International Openness: Audencia emphasizes internationalization by offering numerous opportunities for academic exchanges, double degrees and internships abroad.
  • Professional Network: Audencia has a professional network composed mainly of graduates. This gives students access to concrete projects and opportunities to meet with our partners.

Program Structure

Master 1

Scheduled over one or two years, your Master 1 is an opportunity for you to choose the path that best suits your needs:

  • Engagement Track
  • Global Business Track
  • Apprenticeship Track

You can also follow the Grande Ecole program in English via the English Track.

The Different Paths

Master 2

This final year embodies one of the fundamental directions of the PGE: dual skills. With over 26 specializations at Audencia spread across 4 themes, together with  opportunities for double degrees in France, as well as internationally, you're bound to find the offer that meets your desires!

You can then take a number of different courses during your Master 2:

Master of Sciences

Target Skills

  • Evaluate the environment and define the company's strategic directions in an international context.
  • Define the marketing action plan for the company or entity
  • Manage the activities of the company or entity
  • Support the development of the company and its teams

Pedagogical methods

Audencia's Grande Ecole program stands out for its international approach and commitment to managing ecological and social change. Students benefit from a comprehensive and personalized educational program that equips them with the skills necessary to operate effectively in a changing global context. Specific courses, opportunities for academic exchanges and internships abroad, and a vast network of international partners offer students a global perspective and concrete collaborations with actors committed to ecological and social transition. 80% face-to-face; 20% distance learning

Assessment Terms

Continuous monitoring, Evaluation écrite, Examens sur table, Final dissertation, Soutenance orale

Teaching methods

Throughout your studies at Audencia, you will be immersed in an environment that combines theory and practice. 

The school places great emphasis on mastering the fundamentals of management, which means acquiring a global vision of how companies operate. 

You will have the opportunity to put these skills and professional reflexes into practice during enriching internships or group work, which will help you choose your specialization for your final year.

Des parcours 100% personnalisables

Audencia offre des parcours 100% personnalisables, permettant aux étudiants de choisir des spécialisations adaptées à leurs intérêts et objectifs de carrière, avec un encadrement de qualité.

Master 1 Courses for AST2

From the very first semesters, Audencia is committed to offering a rich and varied program with three specific courses:

  • Engagement Path
  • Modular Path
  • Apprenticeship Pathw

Les opportunités de Doubles Diplômes à Audencia

La voie de double compétence à Audencia offre aux étudiants la possibilité unique d'enrichir leur expertise principale par des compétences solides en gestion et en management notamment.

En intégrant Audencia, les anciens élèves du programme PGE obtiennent ainsi un double diplôme : le grade de Master PGE et la spécialisation choisie en Master 2 (Double diplôme en France et à l'international, MSc et MS inclus).

Le nombre de places offertes par échange étant limité, la sélection des participants à l'échange se fonde sur des critères établis par l'institution d'accueil, qui incluent la performance académique et le niveau de langue.

Les doubles diplômes en France

Les doubles diplômes à l'international

Pour aller plus loin que les doubles diplômes

Our Masters of Science

Students in class

Join one of Audencia's international master's programs to specialize in the field of your choice and develop solid skills in intercultural and responsible management.

Benefit from the supervision of faculty with an innovative pedagogical approach and personalized support from coaches throughout your course. You'll also have access to the expertise of our most prestigious academic partners and Audencia's extensive alumni network, a guarantee of quality.

Accounting & Finance

Business & Society

Marketing & Sales


Nos mastères spécialisés

Optez pour l'un des 7 programmes de Mastère Spécialisé® labellisés Bac+6 par la Conférence des Grandes Ecoles (CGE) à Audencia, conçus pour relever les défis des entreprises et des marchés. 

Découvrir les MS en apprentissage

Les mastères proposés ci-dessous sont réservés aux étudiants français du programme Grande Ecole.

Accounting & finance

Business & society

Marketing & Sales


Autres MS

Admission criteria

Eligibility requirements for the Master in Management:

Proficiency in English as demonstrated by one of the following:

TOEFL iBT 84, TOEIC 655, IELTS 6.0 or Duolingo 100
English-taught undergraduate program
Native speaker

3-year or 4-year degree in any field

Note that you can apply during the last year of your Bachelor’s studies.

International admission criteria

Students who have obtained (or are in the process of obtaining) a diploma outside French territory must contact the International Recruitment Service to apply through this admission route:

Admission period

Up to 3 weeks

Equivalences and Bridges

It is possible to transfer to a university or other business school (rare, but possible), and to private schools (communication schools, design schools, etc.).

Equivalencies are determined by the institutions to which you choose to apply.

The level of equivalence (L3, M1, M2 or level 6, 7) is determined by the number of credits earned at the applicant's home institution and the applicant's academic record.

Key dates

Admissions are open until June 2025, but may close early if class is full. Due to the limited number of seats available, candidates are strongly advised to apply before the Early Application deadline of January 31st, 2025.

Admission terms

Apply directly through Audencia and complete your online application at For more information, see Documents and Procedure below. or Apply to five French business schools through Join a School in France. You select your top choice if admitted to more than one school. Visit the Join a School in France website for more information.

School fees

35 000€

Financing terms

Thanks to our strong partnerships with public and private institutions, there are a number of scholarships available to international students,

Learn more about the scholarships offered by Audencia, as well as external funding options.

International financing terms

International students can contact Campus France to check their eligibility for the scholarships offered.

Career support for all students

83 %
contracts of permanent employment
47 K
average annual salary
88 %
of graduates found a job within 6 months

Career Support

Are you looking for an internship? Do you need advice on your CV, cover letters or any other action to help you become more professional?

The Career & Corporate Relations Center teams can help. We are here to serve Audencia's students, graduates and recruiters, and develop tailor-made support packages for all Audencia programs.

Our goal is to help you develop your skills and enhance your employability, both in France and abroad.

Further studies

  • Mastères spécialisés
  • Doctorate/PhD

More than a school, a global network

When you join Audencia, you're not just joining a school, you're joining a large network of 37,000 alumni and 7,200 students, from a hundred different nationalities.

A dynamic network with its ambassadors who offer you numerous exchanges, discussions and meetings wherever you are in the world (internship, travel or expatriation).

Audencia Alumni, it's 200 communities and more than 250 events per year in France and internationally.


Job opportunities

General Management: Company Executive, Business Director, Profit Center Director, Subsidiary Director, Business Unit Director, Agency or Branch Director, Chief Operating Officer, Secretary General

Functional Management: Development Manager/Director, Marketing Manager, Sales Manager, Administrative and Financial Manager, Management Controller, Human Resources Manager, Operations Manager, Procurement and Supply Chain Manager, Consultant, Auditor

Your future degree

  • Degree recognition: Visé BAC+5
  • N°RNCP: 35114
  • Graduation level: Master
  • Number of ECTS credits: 120
  • Organization of recognition of the diploma: Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche

Accessibility for the Disabled

In line with its three founding values - Innovation, Collaboration and Responsibility - Audencia's social policy places the fight against all forms of discrimination related to age, gender, origin, disability or any other personal characteristic at the heart of its policy and encourages the integration of learners regardless of these attributes.

In particular, Audencia is committed to meeting accessibility standards for people with disabilities in all our locations and to offering specially adapted training courses. For more information, please see our Disability Policy.

Contact us, in complete confidentiality, so that together we can find a personalized solution: