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In research
At Audencia, several research professors and experts specialize in teaching entrepreneurship at the Bachelor in Management, Grande Ecole, Master's and PhD levels, and are engaged in internationally recognized entrepreneurship research.
Our professors are integrated into the entrepreneurial ecosystem and expert communities, where they identify and respond to emerging challenges and relevant research questions related to entrepreneurship. Our teaching and research expertise is linked to the following key themes "Entrepreneurship and Strategy", "Futures and Foresight of Innovation", "Support, Financing and Growth", and "Multi-contextual and Diverse Contexts and Identities".
Department members

Several members of the department, several hold key positions on the editorial boards of renowned journals, acting as editors-in-chief, associate editors or social media managers.
In addition, members of our department are involved in national and international networks of researchers and practitioners, such as AOM, ECSB, BAM, EGOS, EURAM, ISBE and others.
Members of our department active in research are supported by our international affiliate faculty Prof. Gideon Markman and Prof. Sarah Jack.
We publish our research in leading academic journals such as Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, Academy of Management Learning & Education, Human Relations, Organization Studies, British Management Journal, Gender, Work & Organization, Journal of World Business, International Business Review, International Small Business Journal, Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, Technovation, Futures and Technological Forecasting and Social Change.
Audencia Chairs

The Audencia Chairs are specialized in corporate social responsibility and innovation research and integrate different related challenges into their research goals.
Our department has two chairs dedicated to entrepreneurship research:
Family Entrepreneurship and Society
Finance for Innovation
Visit their websites for more information and the latest news.