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TitreProfesseur Associé
- Responsable Recherche - Département Marketing
Linda Lemarié, Ph.D., est responsable de la recherche du département Marketing et professeure associée à Audencia Business School, Nantes, France. Elle détient un doctorat en administration de HEC Montréal, où elle a également été chargée de cours et chercheuse postdoctorale. Elle a enseigné à l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique (France) avant de rejoindre l'Université de Neuchâtel en 2015 et Audencia Business School en 2019. Ses principaux domaines de recherche comprennent le marketing social, le comportement des consommateurs, la stratégie et la réglementation en matière de publicité et la sécurité routière.
Section CV
PhD in Marketing
HEC Montréal, Montréal
CAPET Economie et Gestion option Communication
Ministère de l'Education Nationale, Marseille
M.Sc. in Marketing
Université de Paris IX - Dauphine, Paris
Expériences professionnelles
Responsable Recherche - Département Marketing
Audencia Business School, Nantes, France
Depuis 2019
Professeur Assistant, Titulaire de la Chaire De Publicité
University of Neuchâtel, Suisse
2015 - 2019
Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique (EHESP), Rennes, France
2014 - 2015
Chercheur Post-Doctoral
HEC Montréal, Montréal, Canada
2013 - 2013
Auxilliaire de recherche et chargé de cours
HEC Montréal, Montréal, Canada
2009 - 2013
Chargé de Promotion des Ventes
Yves Rocher, Rennes, France
2005 - 2006
Autres expériences
Professeur Certifié d'Eco-Gestion option Communication
Académie de Versailles, France 2006 - 2008Publications
À paraître
ACUTI, D., LEMARIE, L., VIGLIA, G. (2023). The impact of communication and proximity on citizens’ sustainable disposal of e-waste. European Journal of Marketing
NAYLA KHAN, N., ACUTI, D., LEMARIE, L., VIGLIA, G. (2024). The intention-behaviour gap in sustainable hospitality: a critical literature review. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 36 (5), 1627-1646.
LAGOMARSINO, M., LEMARIE, L. (2024). Hope for the Environment : Influence of Goal and Temporal Focus of Emotions on Behavior. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 48 (2), e13020.
ACUTI, D., LEMARIE, L., VIGLIA, G. (2023). How to enhance the sustainable disposal of harmful products. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 186 (Part B), 122151.
COZZIO, C., VIGLIA, G., LEMARIE, L., CERUYTI, S. (2023). Toward an integration of blockchain technology in the food supply chain. Journal of Business Research, 162 (July 2023), 113909.
LAGOMARSINO, M., LEMARIE, L. (2022). Should companies hope instead? The role of verbal cues in consumers' evaluation of cause-related marketing (CRM). Psychology and Marketing, 39 (1), 227-238.
CHEBAT , D., LEMARIE, L., ROTNEMER, B., TALBI, T., WAGNER, M. (2021). The Young and the Reckless: Social and Physical Warning Messages Reduce Dangerous Driving Behavior in a Simulator. . Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 63 (November 2021), Article N° 102701.
LEMARIE, L., LANZ, B., BEZENÇON, V. (2020). When self-perceived efforts lead to perseverance: implications for the development of pro-environmental behaviors. Advances in Consumer Research, 47 (2019), 728-729.
PUNTIROLI, M., BEZENÇON, V., PINO, G., LEMARIE, L. (2020). When Technology Backfires and when it Succeeds: Positive and Negative Effects of Eco-efficient Automation on Consumers Choices. Advances in Consumer Research, 47 (2019), 817-818.
LAGOMARSINO, M., LEMARIE, L., PUNTIROLI, M. (2020). When saving the planet is worth more than avoiding destruction. The importance of message framing when speaking to egoistic individuals. Journal of Business Research, 118 (Septembre 2020), 162-176.
LEMARIE, L., BELLAVANCE, F., CHEBAT, J.-C. (2019). Regulatory focus, time perspective, locus of control and sensation seeking as predictors of risky driving behaviors. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 127 (June 2019), 19-27.
LEMARIE, L., GIRARDIN, F. (2019). Doing Worse by Doing Good: How Corporate Social Responsibility Makes Products Less Dangerous. Advances in Consumer Research, 46 (2018), 679-680.
LEMARIE, L., CHEBAT, J.-C., BELLAVANCE, F. (2018). Reckless driving promotion and prevention: priming effects. Journal of Social Marketing, 8 (2), 220-236.
LEMARIE, L., CHEBAT, J.-C. (2015). Temptation and Prevention provided by the gambling industry : Main and interactive effects on gamblers. Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 30 (4), 51-63.
MICHON, R., CHEBAT, J.-C., YU, H., LEMARIE, L. (2015). Fashion orientation, Shopping Mall Environment And Patronage Intentions : A study of Female Fashion Shoppers. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 19 (1), 3-21.
LEMARIE, L., CHEBAT, J.-C. (2013). To resist or to comply : Promoting responsible gambling among youth. Journal of Business Research, 66 (1), 137-140.
LAGOMARSINO, M., LEMARIE, L. (2018). Triggering emotions to promote pro-environmental behaviors. The role of temporal focus and gender., EMAC Annual Conference,.
LAGOMARSINO, M., LEMARIE, L. (2018). Do All Emotions Promote Pro-Environmental Behaviors? The Role of Emotions in Temporal Focus., AMA's annual Marketing and Public Policy Conference.
LAGOMARSINO, M., LEMARIE, L. (2017). The effect of hope on adopting pro-environmental behaviors. Is it hope just for women?., EMAC Annual Conference.
LEMARIE, L., BELLAVANCE, F., CHEBAT, J.-C., BABIN, L. (2017). Road Safety Messages and Drivers Regulatory Orientation., Academy of Marketing Science, World Marketing Congress.
LEMARIE, L., BELLAVANCE, F., CHEBAT, J.-C. (2017). Promoting road safety : tailoring road safety messages to the specific characteristics of dangerous drivers., International Marketing Trends Conference.
UNTILOV, O., LEMARIE, L. (2023). Can the Circular Economy Be a Tool for Brand Revitalisation? The Case of Petit Bateau and the Second-hand Market. Case Centre
BELLAVANCE, F., LEMARIE, L., CHEBAT, J.-C. (2016). Adaptation des messages préventifs à l'orientation régulatrice des conducteurs.
CHEBAT, J.-C., LEMARIE, L., BELLAVANCE, F., FAUBERT, J. (2014). Mort versus Ostracisme : Deux stratégies du risque vers les jeunes conducteurs québecois.
Activités scientifiques
Reviewer revue académique
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services,
Journal of Applied Social Psychology,
Reviewer pour le Journal of Social Marketing,
Reviewer pour le Journal of Business Research,
Supervision doctorat
Depuis 2015, M. LAGOMARSINO : UNVEILING THE ROLE OF HOPE IN GUIDING BEHAVIOR., University of Neuchâtel, Suisse