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Bouge ta boîte: doing business differently
"I've decided to do things differently to build for tomorrow".
Cet événement organisé par Bouge ta Boîte et accueilli par Audencia témoigne de l'engagement constant de l'école envers l'entrepreneuriat et montre son soutien aux initiatives visant à promouvoir la diversité et l'innovation dans les initiatives entrepreneuriales.
On March 2, Audencia opened its doors to the "Bouge ta Boîte association" for an event focusing on entrepreneurship. The event brought together professionals from the sector, including Miruna Radu-Lefebvre, professor of entrepreneurship, who took part in a round table discussion on the theme of "Reinventing ourselves", alongside other experts.
Bouge ta Boîte, an association dedicated to the support and development of women entrepreneurs, brought together entrepreneurs and professionals to discuss the fundamental values of entrepreneurship, as well as collective intelligence and the power of networking. The event provided an opportunity to exchange and share experiences, enabling participants to consider new approaches and strategies for innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship.
This event, organized by Bouge ta Boîte and hosted by Audencia, demonstrates the school's ongoing commitment to entrepreneurship and its support for initiatives to promote diversity and innovation in entrepreneurial initiatives.